Want to Bask in these Waters, all year long? Live your LIFE: Learning, Playing Savoring IN Sacred LOVE Subscribe to…
Want: to BE Here Now With ALL your Relations? Ready: to Comfortably Open to Soul Senses? Eager: for more Direct…
…. Click HERE to RECEIVE a week of emailed Inspiration & Insights to help you Live IN Love, from Inside, OUT Please see…
Gain Momentum though Group Learning & Practice: Keep it Simple. ASK & Receive. REALize your VISION. We will: Begin NOW, from…
. . In Group Classes, we start with the Basics: FOUNDATIONS 1) Intro to: SOUL Tools & Meditation – go farther…
Scroll below for: Our Focus, Dates, Inquires & Topics for Winter 2022-23 See here for: Our Seasonal FOCI and INQUIRIES for 2023…
Meditation with Susana DuMett & Wendy R Wolf: JOIN Mystic rEvolution Meditation ZOOM LINK Tuesday, Nov 1, 4:30 pm PST,…
Thursday Evening, ACTIVE Meditation PLAYshops w/ Wendy & Friends. LEARN more & Sign-up for our January FOCUS: Soul Sovereignty . Our…
(One last LOVE convo, while its still February 😉 I believe it is useful to go deep and wide, out-of-the-box: to…
I desire to… (what about you?) BE Aligned with my Source, delight in Light (while Firmly ensconced in this Reality)…