SOUL PLAY for Mystics & Creatives – Check our our Introductory Offerings:
Come as our Guest for a Live, Online ACTIVE Meditation
you are so Done with being stuck, stopped, pulled backward!
in fruitless Striving, Suffering, Failure, Friction, Resistance…
Especially since you are drawn forward by:
- a world-changing vision to parent into the world,
- a vital project that requires more than you have to give,
- a delicious life you are hungry for, but is just out of reach…
you are SO Ready to Overcome Inertia
find Provision, Vitality, Success
BE you, DO you, Make your IMPACT
Choose to BLOOM
– Are you being tossed and tumbled by so many shifts?
Learn to surf the continuous waves.
– Do you or your team need to directly focus for results?
Transform in the direction you desire.
– Will you choose to
Engage with the CORE of what has pulled you back?
Do what is effective, but also confronting.
Receive the fruit of so much struggle.
We can help YOU with:
BEing your TRUE self – who only you can be.
– Comfortable in your skin, fully embodied to show up as YOU
– While living a juicy life, with grace and ease
Doing your Unique GENIUS – what Only you can offer.
– Bring your GIFTS to your world, make your IMPACT.
– And savor the process and results.
but HOW can you BE this, DO this?
Here at ‘BLOOM’
– We specialize in levering CHANGE from the inside, out. We can equip, support, and inspire you to SHIFT your Consciousness, from a firm foundation, to BE THE CHANGE YOU CHOOSE.
– We provision and train you to utilize effective internal levers – Soul Tools, which work below your everyday consciousness. Enabling YOU to Perceive, Be-with, Transform where you haven’t been able to be consciously engage before.
Are you Ready to Invest in the Fruit
of your Own BLOOM Practice?
Please contact with questions, or to Schedule
Where could this kind of leverage serve your life?

What could you expect when working with Wendy?
Wendy R Wolf, a Transformation Facilitator since 2005,
is the founder of ‘BLOOM’, and the Lead Coach & Trainer.
You can read a bit About Wendy & her work, here.
More importantly, what do clients say?
If you please, Explore client experiences here:
written (organized) or videos (random)

If you please, Explore client experiences here: written (organized) or videos (random)
Wendy says:
These two skill sets are foundational
in our BLOOM Practice:
1) Riding the waves of Change, in ways that serve your life & your world.
2) Choosing a new Direction; Transforming as you Realize your Goals.
keep reading? The Mastering Change Process: our Practice of Shift
Please contact with questions, or to Schedule
SOUL PLAY for Mystics & Creatives – Check our our Introductory Offerings:
Come as our Guest for a Live, Online ACTIVE Meditation