Interviews & Shows

Current  & Ongoing 

My YouTube Channel

Social Media Resources & Connections 
This is Facebook Groups, Pages & Homepages
I’m on Instagram & LinkedIn, but barely, and its all derivative

I have some current and older blogs, but lately most of sharing is on Facebook 


Mystic revolution Show with Susana Dumett
insightful practices on being a Mystic in modern times
and how to utilize the power of our Soul Senses
to expand everyday experiences.
5 Seasons Archived Here & Here


Live By Heart Today Show with Dawn Spiegelberg 
Exploring what is Possible, the Life we can Choose.
BEing ourselves, DOing our Genius, Making our IMPACT.
I started in Second Show for 6 Seasons Archived here 



Private Interviews

with GretchenW, Summer 2014: What is Teleios? And Overview of Vision & Offerings

These play in the following order:
Hello Interviews – getting to know Wendy & get a taste for her work, with TimC, Spring 2014:

  • Being Our Potential
  • Learning By Playing
  • Mother Nature’s Influence
  • Cooking, Wisdom, And Intuition
  • Matching Ascended Masters


Radio Shows: Master Jesus for ALL

Radio Shows: as Guest, with Lynn Brown
– Soul Conversations

September 2014
Host: Lynn Brown  Co-Host: Wendy R. Wolf  – 1 hour
Stop your screaming body…before it starts! 
Prevent aches, pains and injuries from occurring and enhance your energy level.  
Many physical problems have their root cause on an energy level. In other words, physical problems can be a symptom of energetic, emotional, soul, or spiritual issues. Rather than focusing on the body symptom, spiritual healing can work with problems at their energetic root cause.   


November 18, 2014
Hosts: Dr. Pat Baccili & Lynn M. Brown; Guest Wendy R Wolf – 1 hour
Spirit and Money – CO Mingle your Financial and Spiritual Assets… 7 rules of Wealth to Thrive By
What’s the big deal???….Money is only ONE form of Abundance and money is ONLY 1 form of abundance. And guess what? They are always intertwined! We all have limiting beliefs which we accumulate from our life experiences, ancestors, and past lives. These beliefs block our ability to receive the unlimited flow of abundance that the universe constantly offers to us.


June 16, 2015
Hosts: Dr. Pat Baccili & Lynn M. Brown; Guest Wendy R. Wolf – 1 hour
Embody your Feminine NATURE…Let’s get WILD!!!
Women have traditionally been asked to give up so much of ourselves in order to serve others. Society has expected this and unfortunately many girls and women have bought into these limiting roles within our world. BUT, what if we realized that the most powerful way to serve others was actually to honor our divine self first!?!?!  What if we began tapping into the amazing power we have as women. We can learn a lot from noticing the cycles and power of Mother Nature. Feminine energy by nature encourages us to create with ease by being in divine alignment with our individual talents and with our God self. Let’s begin to unleash and honor the feminine energy within every living thing. Whether you are in a male or a female body, you will profit from this conversation, and opening to the Divine Feminine within! 


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