When we are looking to
Overcome, Shift, Deepen, Heal, Overcome, Grow, Transform, Learn New Tricks, say YES to Life…
but we cannot, we don’t know how.
Many of the things we do, don’t get us very far:
– Try really hard – hurry, scurry, flurry – anything but merry!
– Force, manipulate, bully – ourselves and others until blow-up or burn out.
– Get stuck and stay STUCK.
– Let life just happen to us, roll over us.
But it doesn’t have to be this way, we can shift gears, we can shift paradigms!
For many decades, Wendy has been focused on HOW to live in a way that WORKS.
Basically what is the Science of Living.
She has found that it starts in the Soul, within, and moves out from there.
Wendy has been focused on HOW
to DANCE with Life, in a ways that is easier, more fun and have greater impact.
She discovered and expanded
an inner practice of
conscious Creative Soul Play,
which invites Empowerment – in so many ways…
This practice of Choosing Creative Conscious Change:
soul tools & perspective, as well as
purposeful attention, focus, intention can be called.
These Tools for your Soul, Levers for your Life
are an inner-technology which helps us to
Choose Creative Conscious Change
giving us a firm spot to stand, in our soul, and from there, to leverage shift.
Practicing these inner resources and exercises
brings new consciousness, identity, ways of being and doing within our reach.
makes challenging change possible,
and eventually even elegant.
The changes you choose to make are up to you!
If you are Ready
to start moving, shifting, changing…
yourself, your life and your world,
from within yourself:
Get equipped with powerful levers and a solid place to stand:
Read more about Choosing Creative Conscious Change

We hope you have enjoyed a taste of what is possible.
If you Really could Choose Change:
What would you DO?
Who would you BE?
Are you Ready to Live-into
BEing You? DOing Your thing?
Please explore Private or Group Training.
If you have questions or to get started, please be in touch with Wendy.
Continue Reading on Blog: Marketing vs. Reality
Get a feel for this Adventure & Founder, Wendy:
Wendy is one of the most graceful teachers I have ever met and had the pleasure of learning from. She not only works her healing magic on you, she empowers you with knowledge so that you can also do the same for yourself!
– Lynn Brown, Greater Seattle Area
I have known Wendy now for about 3-4 years and over the last two years have had the pleasure of doing energy work with her. I have pushed through some big hurdles and learned great things about myself. What I have found comforting and endearing about Wendy’s spiritual coaching is… She does not give you answers like a psychic, she helps you to do this within yourself – so it is your spirit, body and instinct talking to you, and she does this in a very humble, without ego, humorous, straight forward way. I love her. Please take a chance working with her.
– Beth Visco, Central NJ
Wendy is awesome! I’ve been a meditator for over 30 years, and I learned lots of new and very useful things with Wendy. Wendy is also a very compassionate and caring and generous and non-judgmental person. I have seen her service affect the lives of others in sustaining and powerful ways. Yep, I a fan!!
– Trey Stiles, NM
More About working with Wendy & this work:
Testimonials on Blog