Delight in Divine PRESENCE, Uncover CLARITY, Get FREE, Shine BRIGHT . . As we MARCH into Spring, the LIGHT returning,…
More about CONVERSATIONs here Current: Beyond Belief! Soul GYM Series:. Shifting with ALL our Relations, from INside-OUT: . We…
1) The less we understand what Jesus is saying, the more important it is to find out. Jesus is speaking…
In about 24 hours, I’m offering a new kind of gathering. Up until now – I’ve only offered introduction to…
. FEBRUARY 2024 Intensive: ‘Living IN Sacred LOVE’ Your NEED met in your SOUL – Regardless of Relationship BE &…
Sign-up! for The CONVERSATION and then, if you please: The PRACTICE . Sometimes it helps to be able to ask questions,…
Plans for 2024 (below) I’ve got a vision for 6 more months of drop-in ACTIVE Meditations delving into Dancing with…
stay in the loop, receive all the details of this Adventure! HOW can you Savor ‘Spiritual Communion’? Getting REAL with the God…
stay in the loop, receive all the details of this Adventure! . . A Meandering Personal Share, including Meaning; Transcendence; Sharing ‘worship’ Possibility;…
Below is a continuation of this previous post Jesus & ‘his People’: A small share about a Big Challenge in my…