2024 Introductory Opportunities

Plans for 2024 (below)
I’ve got a vision for

  •  6 more months of drop-in ACTIVE Meditations
    delving into Dancing with the Divine
    – useful for All levels of experience.and, after that,
  • a 6-month Circle to Dive much Deeper, Together
    – as an intimate group.If you please, see below for this wet cement of opportunities and planned dates.

Dancing with the Divine

Living your Sacred Life: Dancing with the Divine
Dancing with Heaven & Earth in Spiritual Communion:
Divine Connection within yourself & with each other

Jan- May – a 5 Month Series of DROP-INs – come when you can
(receive Replays when you can’t)
DATES: Mondays 7pm;  Saturdays 9 am, Eastern Time USA

Welcome to Dancing with the Divine Conversation
Each month, a different Window into: why & how & what we are doing in this Practice
– Just Chatting with Wendy & a special Guest & you – if you please
– Just a Taste of this Practice, at the beginning & end – a couple minutes of going within.

This Conversation is designed as an Introduction for those new to this Practice.
You don’t have to know, do, say, believe, commit to anything – to Just Come – as our Guest.
You can be seen &/or heard on this Zoom Video, if you please, or not

This is an Opportunity to Learn something New, a Different Perspective.
This is a Chance to Ask Public Questions – that will serve all in this Intro environment.
This is Not an invitation for Personal Questions/ Coaching/ Healing.

For those who are Experienced in this Practice,
I expect you will be served by the above.
Also, please enjoy your Own Practice in the background,
and Hold Sacred Space as you Engage with the conversation.

Jan  x     Living our Sacred Way
Feb 1st – Living in Sacred Love
Mar 1st – Living in Sacred Light & Glory
Apr 1st – Living in Sacred Identity
May 1st – Living in Sacred Beauty & Blessings
June 1st – Living in Sacred Truth

ACTIVE Meditation
Jan 6, 8, 20, 22
Feb 3, 5, 17, 19
Mar 2, 4, 16, 18, 30
Apr 6, 8, 20, 22
May 4, 6, 18, 20

Deeper Dive
Jan 13, 15, 27, 29
Feb 10, 12, 24, 26
Mar 9, 11, 23, 25
Apr 13, 15, 27, 29
May 11, 13, 25, 27

Jan – Sacred Way

Practicing Mystic Alignment with your Source – from Inside-OUT –
on the Rock of your Direct Spiritual Experience
With Special focus on walking Your Narrow WAY; Bringing OUT the Gift IN You.

Feb – Sacred Love
Inviting Spiritual Oneness/Connection & Affirmation/Validation from withIN:
‘BEing the Love you Want’, instead of continually chasing it OUT There, for it.

Mar – Sacred Light
Uncovering/ Being the Light IN your world: Shining Bright – from your Soul.
Releasing the dark & heavy; Raising your Vibration, Realizing Clarity.
Beholding & Reflecting the Glory of God in your Soul, Body, Life & World.

Apr – Sacred Identity
Practicing being here, now, with: As Spirit In body, with this Reality.
Tending to the Temple/ Earthly Home of Spirit/ Presence;
Making Space-in Soul, Body, Mind… to gently dis-identify from ego, stories.

May – Sacred Beauty 
Receiving Abundant & Overflowing Goodness of God.
Resting in Divine Delicious Delight, Transforming Experience of Soul, Body, Life, World…
Provisioning within and spilling over in our world: Fruit. Gifts. Leadership.

June – Spiritual Joy & Sacred Bliss 


2) Build beyond Belief:  Living on Spiritual Rock
July – Dec – Sacred Truth CIRCLE
6 month Commitment (DATES: TBD)

Soul Dance of Sacred Truth:
SOUL Validation, releasing Invalidation-SHAME, energy of Lies
SOUL Trust, releasing Distrust, Worry, Controlling, Hyper-Vigilance
SOUL Gratefulness, releasing Ungratefulness, Entitlement
SOUL Forgiveness, releasing Unforgiveness, Judgement, Revenge, Stuck in ‘What Happened’
SOUL Certainty, releasing doubt in receiving & believing our direct spiritual experience
SOUL Faith, releasing what blocks being & doing our direct spiritual guidance, over time

Deep Healing/ Growth/ Transformation IN Sacred Truth 
Overcoming, Becoming, Coming to Fruition.
Releasing our:
– Status quo, where we are Dug-in,
– Commitment to what is Not Working & producing unwanted fruit.
Read more here, if you please.

Also includes FOUNDATIONS Training

  • Soul Tools – a place to stand (within)
    & levers to Move (from below everyday consciousness)
  • Healthy Healing & Conscious Creativity:
    Co-Creating Change – inside, then outside yourself
  • Cultivating your Soul senses (Direct Spiritual Experience)
    & Spiritual Discernment/ Wisdom
  • Deepening in your Delicious Dance with Heaven & Earth


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