A friend share this post, which I really liked: 8 Brutally Honest Truths You Need To Hear If You Want To…
Am I crazy? I wondered this deep down, for a lot of my life. My perceptions / experience / reality…
Transform: Heal into, Grow in, Shine your Lightwith Levers for your Soul, Tools for your Life! Teleios is te’-lā-os, a Greek word: Mature into, Become Perfectly You: Whole…
When we are on our path, when I am ME, Playing My Own Game… when you are YOU, Playing Your…
Archimedes said something like: With a firm spot on which to stand, a lever long enough and a fulcrum on…
Here is the most important thing about SoulTech: Participating, Doing-it (enjoying Meditation Workshops, investing in Private Sessions, practicing on your…
Older blog posts about the Soul Tools here
There are 3 pages of posts around CAPTAIN here, see bottom of linked page for more. Older posts here –…
I’ve been having a bit of a challenging morning.We enjoyed a sweet Women’s Circle last night, and sometimes after leading programs…
Start Tuesday, September 27, 2016Ballard or Online Receive a taste of this practice – before you start – for only…