A Transformational Group Program for Emotional Regulation & Inner Mastery 🌟 From Overwhelmed to Empowered: Master Your Emotions & Regain…
My heart goes out to so many seriously suffering around the regime change – and all the many layers involved…
Want to stay in the loop? Sign-up for monthly newsletter DESIRE to Dance more DEEPly w/ the Divine? DEDICATED to…
The Wind is Blowing, the Waves are Growing From my perspective, Because on the Soul – level; We are in…
‘Having Fun’ can mean many things—some harmful, some helpful. Therefore, exercising spiritual discernment is crucial. However, in general, I find…
In our soul BLOOMing system, Teleios TECH, we operate both receptively and actively. Everything we do is Exercising our Sacred…
9 Months of Soul GYM: Shifting with ALL our Relations, from INside-OUT (Summer) Sacred LOVE not BLAME, (Winter) Sacred TRUTH…
. . UNtrained Empaths tend to experience OVERWHELM .. Due to unskillful Energy Management: Misunderstanding Lack-of Consciousness Inability to Regulate…
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Come for a TASTE as my Guest REGISTER (or use your zoom link) ‘SUMMER in Soul GYM’ Series: includes CONVERSATIONs &…