Saturday, October 14, 2017
Hi Friends,
Today is the Nationwide Solidarity March for Peace.
Tonight, come BE peace together,
share our food, music, and our hearts & souls,
Let’s open to new ways of BEing Peace
for ourselves, our families, our communities, our country and our world.
We plan to eat, drink, play,
enjoy breath, singing, sage healing,
prayer, reflection, sharing our inspiration together.
If you know me, you can tell this isn’t quite my usual kind of gig.
My friend Alex is visiting and he will be leading tonight.
He calls himself a Man walking with Spirit, he is informed but not dominated by, many spiritual traditions. He plans to be sharing Indigenous Medicine and whatever else Spirit leads in the moment (he has a strong Christian background, 12-step foundation, Buddhist training, etc)

Please Bring:
– a dish to share for dinner together.
– if you please, something you would like Alex to bless, if you please.
– if you please, a gift for Alex for sharing his wisdom and energy with us (could be loose Native Spirit Tobacco, could be gas money, could be whatever seems right to you ; )
Space is limited,
please sign-up here and PM me with your email, and I will email you the address.
In Life,