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HOW can you Savor ‘Spiritual Communion’?
- Getting REAL with the God of your Heart & in Community
- REALizing Connection
- Deeper, wider, MORE REAL
Might it serve your Journey to
Gather with an eclectic group of folks, who:
- DESIRE to DANCE more Deeply w/ the Divine?
- DEDICATED to Alignment with your SOURCE?
- DESPITE Belief, Behavior, Background, Baggage?
. - READY to continually OPEN to fulFILLment from within?
- RECEPTIVE to PLAYing together with Master Jesus?
- REGARDLESS of Religious Tradition, Spiritual Practice, Meditation Experience, or lack-thereof?
Then Come as you are, where
ALL are BLESSED, Beyond Belief!
Engage as little or as much as you are Comfortable.
- Sharing Authentically together
being REAL from our own perspective & paradigms. - Communing Spiritually
IN Oneness – with the ONE & with each one,
in our BIG TENT of- Soul: learning, healing & growth
- Spiritual supply & satisfaction, for REAL in your soul

So if you are drawn to the intention of this December focus:
Relating to Jesus more clearly, in your own soul, in REAL-time,
in a mixed group of others who also chose to deepen in relationship with Jesus
Please JOIN US throughout December, Advent:
HOW can you Savor ‘Spiritual Communion’ with your Source & each other?
DECEMBER INTENSIVE: Dancing with the Divine with Master Jesus
Stay in the loop, receive all the details of this Adventure!

Give yourself the GIFT of a Beautiful Buffet;
Feast as you please:
- Deepening Daily w/ Personal quiet-time & Community Connection
- Widening Weekly with ACTIVE Meditations
& Personal Prayer/ Healing/ Sharing Sessions
Invest in your daily walk, with Jesus;
Let the GIFTs FLOW in you & in your World:
- Enjoying the Fruit of Spiritual Communion,
with the God of your Heart & with All your Relations. - Aligning with your Source,
purposely traveling on YOUR Unique/ Narrow Way. - Beholding & Reflecting the Glory,
Organically BEing the Light & Shining in your World.
Stay in the loop, receive all the details of this Adventure!
Might you be Wondering: Will I fit-in? What does Mystic mean?
SEE: Who is this INTENSIVE For? and NOT For?
Might you be Wondering: will this Jesus-focus be comfortable for me?
SEE: Who is this Master Jesus? (I thought Jesus last name was ‘Christ’ : )

Might you be Wondering about Investment?
SEE: time, and money, and energy – oh my!
This is my vision for this December INTENSIVE: Come as you are: Dance & Play!
Savoring ‘Spiritual Communion’ with the One & each one
Dancing with the Divine w/ Master Jesus:
- Consciously Align with your Source, Spiritually in your body, in this world
- Walk in this LIGHT, as LOVE, on your singular WAY, fulfilling your LIFE
– naturally in the Flow of Blessings in you and into your world. - Release into Rest in The Beloved – more each day.
. - BEYOND Belief – regardless of Background, Baggage, Behavior…
- Enjoy 6 ACTIVE Meditations, your freewill Donation, much appreciated.
- Dive Deeper: 4 additional Healing & Coaching Sessions, if you please.
. - Shy? you don’t Have to be seen or heard – but you can be!
- Busy? participate in real-time for at least one Meditation, receive all the Replays!
Sign-up to receive dates, zoom link and more information.
REALly connect, play & learn in Mystic Community.
Find what you’ve been Looking for!
Start now, get Momentum, before the New Year begins.
see you soon!
Dancing with the Divine
stay in the loop, receive all the details of this Adventure!

PS – Continuing to be as Clear as I can:
- ALL are welcome: Agnostic, great; Christian, great; UnChurched, great; Free-range, great; Heretic, great, Deconstructing, great; Reconstructing, great; Religious of any kind, great; Not Religious, great; Anti-Religious, great… feeling Rejected by or Uncomfortable with a group you want to be accepted by – Join us!
. - the God-word can be slippery and divisive – ALL are welcome, whatever your convo about/ spiritual perception/ relationship-with: the ONE, Divine, Supreme Being, All-That-IS, I AM, Ground of All Being, Holy One, Presence, Beloved, Source, Creator, Abba, Lord, Holy/ Great Spirit… whatever words – Join us!
This Adventure is particualrly FOR folks who are (or who are hungry/ thirsty for)
A) conscious of our own Direct Spiritual/ Soul/ Psychic/ Heart/ Intuitive/ Energetic Experience/ Gifts
B) engaged in our own Soul Journey &/or Dance with the Divine &/or purposely REALizing our Sacred: Truth or Love or Way or Life or Beauty…
I call this neighborhood: Mystic – you may utilize other words.
Relate to This? Then Please Come! (as you are)
Would you like to keep reading?
The post above is a culmination of conversations, in previous posts:
- Some of the things I learned about Jesus & some of the difference he made for me
- Besotted with the Beloved: a few Vignettes from my Journey
stay in the loop, receive all the details of this Adventure!
Wendy I have a simple thank you. Thank you for what your doing and what you provide for others to come a they are. Thank you 🙏🏾
so kind of you Pax!
Dear Pax – I just happened to see this now – and I am grateful to know who you are (now) and to have played together a few times!