The Wind is Blowing, the Waves are Growing
From my perspective,
on the Soul – level;
We are in the midst of a marked Consciousness Change.
In my line of work, when there is Change, we expect a ‘Growth Period’
– the disruptive time it takes to Integrate our spirit-soul Shift,
..into our body-soul, mind, life, world…
IMOe, with growth-spurts
come attendant ‘Growth Periods’ (the challenges of change : )
This is always happening, over time, for all of us, everywhere.
But it seems to me that
we are in a mighty and still growing
Wave of folks making Big Shifts, from Inside-OUT,
– in experience, perspective, beliefs, etc.
SO, naturally, given action & reaction:
with big ‘change’ (YES!)
follows (of course) big ‘don’t change’ or ‘change-back’ (NO!);
Here comes attendant ‘push-back’
– from inside ourselves and outside in our world.
In my line of work, how I soul experience ‘push-back’
is the energy of Heavy & Dark – in the neighborhood of
Resistance, Seriousness, Judgment, Hate, Despair & Hopelessness,
anti-Truth/ Life/ Love…/God
– including (one may gently say) ’Spiritual Warfare’
Well it seems this is happening individually
– all very normal.
And for a significant portion of the collective – lots of shift for lots of folks
– this is of course disturbing the shared Soul equilibrium.
From my perspective,
on the Physical-level;
We are experiencing increasingly polarized pushing & pulling,
affecting our social/ religious/ political/ economic… fabric;
in many places around the globe.
And in my part of the world,
an important election is coming in the USA,
threatening much more tumult here.
Meanwhile, about this time 4 years ago,
in the last Presidential Election cycle, I initiated this Page on Facebook:
Soul Integrity w/ ALL our Relations: Honoring I/Thou regardless of Ideology
and initiated a series of related meditations
to support us though that challenging time.
Well, here we are again, but the challenges are greater,
and the effect on our shared world more disturbing.
SO, now, I am initiating something Much more comprehensive than a handful or two of Meditations…
Something New to Help us Through
In our current long-term focus in the Soul GYM:
Shifting with ALL our Relations, from INside-OUT
– Beyond Belief (as well as Behavior, Background, Baggage…)
Between BLAME Busting (3 months Summer – completing this month)
and Shedding SHAME (6 months IN Sacred Truth)
I’m Moving TRUTH Circle to March – August 2025, Because…
I am Inserting a learning, healing, connecting
harness to hold us while we weather this storm,
Instead of Fighting or Cowering,
We will commit to becoming
more of who we are, doing more of what we are here to DO.
Learning to STAND more firmly
FOR what matters Most
– our True Purpose/ Calling, our most Sacred Dreams/ Desires…
instead of AGAINST the Other
in Fear, Hate, Resistance, Judgment…
A Special Semester specifically for these Intense times we live-in:
5 months, October – February
- BEing more Here, Now, With what IS.
With Spiritual Practices to help you to
Open more Deeply, clearly, consciously:
Perceive what IS & what is Possible; Choose & Act
– from INside – OUT.
. - Learning to more Confidently Ride the waves of Change.
With a Growing ‘Learning & Growth Tool-box’ of:
inner levers & distinctions, to help you
Shift & Sail in the Direction you Choose
– despite the wind & waves.
Enjoy Opportunities to:
- be Practiced & Provisioned for your Adventurous Journey.
Diving Deep regularly, if you please Coached & Mentored
– Learn & Practice in a weekly Small group huddle.
. - be Inspired & Inspirited by Inspired ACTIVE Meditation
– powerful weekly drop-ins: live and always fresh.
- be Connected & Communicating; Find Friends & form Alliances
– encouragement to participate in a Dedicated Facebook Group and
– make dates with folks you resonate-with for virtual tea & talking.
- be Supported & Support by/for folks who are like you AND very different – in all our group interactions.
- be ReSourced Flexibly going Far & Fast, or Slow & Easy, as you please
– enjoy access to replays, large & growing meditation library, and
– other learning, healing & growth opportunities, at your convenience.
On PURPOSE: Standing FOR the Life we Choose
..Within – becoming ever more: Captain of our own Shi
Mastery from Within – becoming ever more: Captain of our own Ship
- A Solid Place to Stand – Consciously Connected: Heaven & Earth
- Levers to Move – Inner Tools & Distinctions
- A Container to Safely Shift – Modeling & Mentoring and Peer Support
No Matter what is happening in our World:
October – Graceful Embodiment:
Resting in Soul Safety, Comfort & Ease
– Belonging & Connecting: body & soul, heaven & earth
– Inviting FLOW of Goodness, consciously connected
– Tending our troubled body & emotions
November – Graceful OWNership:
Soul Standing Firm in your Life, Space, Creations
– Practicing I/Thou, Mine/Yours, Yes/No, Hello/Goodbye…
– Healing relationship with Anger, Beneficial Ownership Energy
– Freeing our Will, Sacred Power, Boundaries Inside-OUT
December – Graceful Hope:
Soul Trusting the trend of Teleios (the beautiful, mature Oak that’s hiding in the Acorn)
– Inquiring into your Purpose? Pregnant with Possibility
– Overcoming: unhealthy Momentum, Pushback, Despair…
– Birthing your deepest Dream, Desire : New Life from the Ashes, Dynamic Light in the Darkness
January – Graceful Autonomy:
Consciously Walking your unique Way in Alignment with your Source – unbound, potent, in Sovereignty
– REALizing & FLOWing in the Divine Presence. Relating old concepts and ways of being that block this Beauty.
– Regaining your Birthright of Seniority: Spiritual Sovereignty & Soul Authority – from INside-OUT
February – Graceful FRUITing:
BEing the Love you Want
– Finding within what you need & want most – within. Releasing habits of striving & struggling – out there – for it
– Tasting & Seeing the Oneness that is Spiritual Reality
– Receiving & Giving, BEing & DOing, Transforming soul, body, life, world IN Love that is Most delicious for you
This is On Purpose for me and
I am very Passionate about making the next 1/2 year
Extraordinary instead of Harrowing
– for Each & ALL of us
So I am offering this Package of incredible Value at a very accessible Price:
- to Activate this MOVEMENT
that I want to see in the World (and I hope you do too!)
and - to encourage you to Come PLAY & Invite your Friends!!
- You will receive all this described above – and more,
just by joining Soul Gym, at the usual rate
– $149/month or more donation
(if that is budget busting, be in touch
for ways we can balance giving and receiving)
. - You will have the opportunity to partake at a reduced rate in Private Sessions: Personal training, Energy Tune-ups, etc – with myself or my team – at (limited availability – I can’t add too many more regular clients and neither can my team)
. - You will have the opportunity to help determine when we meet for weekly huddles, meditations, etc.
. - You will have the opportunity to participate in September’s Meditations & other Activities as my Guest (the sooner you sign-up, the bigger the buffet 🙂
. - You will do what you Mean to do! w/ incentives: Special Surprise Gifts:
* Valuable & useful on your Soul Journey; When you complete this Journey in February – having participated in person – at least 4 times per month.
* Participating & contributing most powerfully over the next 6 months.
Extra-Special high-value Gift for one who is really devoted to the Game.
SO, come play & plan to participate whenever you can!
be in touch if you need to chat
or just
– Send a deposit for your first month, then send me a note that you
- sent your deposit, and which pathway you utilized (i.e. Zelle, Venmo…)
. - would like to partake in personal training, energy tune-ups, etc – We will talk about details, pricing, etc – make a plan.
.. - can participate most easily these particular days & times – as well as times you Manage do if necessary (i.e. Wednesdays & Fridays between 6 – 9pm Central time)
. - signed-up for Soul Gym and received the current Zoom link: REGISTER
and have marked your calendar to drop-in when you can:
Saturday 11am & Monday 7pm (Eastern time):
One LOVE! Spiritual Practice in Soul GYM
(replays available)