monthly ACTIVE Meditation Workshops Spring FOCUS: Empowered Empaths: Healthy Body Communication FREE, see Details & Sign-up here FRIDAYs, 7 – 9P EDT – in-person…
Many of us feel like everything is falling apart, we are going backward, things are getting worse. I believe…
Come as our Guest.Please sign-up now:monthly Healing Circle April 19: 3 – 5 pm EDT As it serves you: In-person…
Experience, Heal, Overflow in the blessing of Acceptance:you are Enough, they are Enough, it is Enough. (Register here) This workshop…
(Register here) Tap into an Endless Supply of Love:Discover, Savor and Transformin the unique flavor of Love that you are…
(ready to Register?) ‘Learning to Shift’ Workshop: Inviting Connection, from the Inside-Out. Utilizing powerful inner tools, we will be putting…
Empowerment, Healthy Boundaries, and Space for your Soul to Dance with Love (ready to Register?) Thursday, February(02) 20, 2020 Workshop…
Becoming more (selectively) available for connection that is tenderly realized in your Body Experience (ready to Register?) Saturday, February 22nd…
(ready to Register?) The Blessing of Affinity Deepening your heart Connection,with ALL your Relations:Abba and Jesus, earth and heaven, yourself…
(ready to Register?) If you are willing to Dance with Maser Jesus – in present time, in your soul –…