see what’s coming to THE SOUL GYM this whole year!

Soul GYMDates, Info & Registration for ACTIVE Meditations this Season

Play the Game of Overcoming:
March – June ->
OWNing Our Lane, Our PRESENT:

Counteracting our Past, Changing our Patterns, Choosing our Way:
SEE What to Expect in ACTIVE Meditations


March & April: Surviving to Thriving

HOW do I Shift, in the face of SO Much Shit?

We’ll utilize the same ZOOM Link for all ACTIVE Mediations this SPRING:
REGISTER HERE & Receive Zoom Link

1) MARCH: Surf the WAVES of Change, instead of being Pummeled


Monday March 13, 6-7pm: ACTIVE Meditation
The Transformative Potential of Present Time – here, now, with, What IS:
‘Surviving to Thriving’ for Soul Leaders, Mystics & Creators

Saturday March 18, noon-1pm (Eastern USA time):
‘Spiritual Communion’: Connecting with Heaven & Earth, NOW!
instead of replaying Stories – of What Did/ Could happen – that don’t serve us

Sunday March 26, 1-2pm (Eastern USA time):
‘Personal Harmony’: Turning Down effects of Past Trauma:
De-energizing Difficult Experiences

2) APRIL: Choose your Destination, Set your Sails, Arrive (Eventually!!)

Sure, we have Challenges, AND Equipped with ACTIVE Meditation,
we can BE Soul CAPTAIN!

We’ll utilize the same ZOOM Link for all ACTIVE Mediations this SPRING:
REGISTER HERE & Receive Zoom Link

There’s a LOT of Upset, Confusion, lack of Capacity
regarding “Soul CAPTAIN” –
Come read more


Monday April 10, 6-7pm
(Eastern USA time): Spiritual Communion
HOW to Get your THOUGHTS Out of the Captain’s Seat!
Choosing From CENTERed: Being in & with our Body/Life,
but Not carried away by our Natural Mind


Sunday April 23, 1-2pm
(Eastern USA time): Personal Harmony
HOW to Get your EMOTIONS Out of the Captain’s Seat!
Choosing From CENTERed: Being in & with our Body/Life,
but Not carried away by our Body’s Feelings

Saturday April 29, noon-1pm
(Eastern USA time): Vocational Vision
HOW to FOCUS & Collaborate – Stand & DELIVER as Captain of your Life!
Choosing From CENTERed: Being in & with our Body/Life,
Playing YOUR Game: REALizing your VISON, as a Soul Leader


We’ll utilize the same ZOOM Link for all ACTIVE Mediations this SPRING:
REGISTER HERE & Receive Zoom Link


May & June: Empowered Empaths

PEACE for Big Feelers, Healers, Lovers & Leaders

(Eastern USA time)

We’ll utilize the same ZOOM Link for all ACTIVE Mediations this SPRING:
REGISTER HERE & Receive Zoom Link


MAY: Overcome the Overwhelm of Other’s Energy



Sunday May 7, 1-2pm: Vocational Vision 
Step UP w/ Soul Leader Super-Skills: Resonate/ Attune/ Match MASTERS



Saturday May 13, noon-1pm: Spiritual Communion
Soul Centering: Divine Alignment Invites more Integrity, from the INside, OUT


Monday May 22, 6-7pm: Personal Harmony
Graceful Soul Skill: Turn Down the Volume of other’s Emotions & Energy!


Goodbye: ‘It’s happening TO me’; Hello: ‘Free & Empowered to CHOOSE’

Sunday June 11, 1-2pm: Spiritual Communion
Boundaries: find comfortable Space for I AND Thou:
BE & DO You, ‘Dancing with the Divine’, w/ earth & heaven, in your OWN Lane


Saturday June 17, noon-1pm: Personal Harmony
Observing & Overcoming the Patterns & Pulls of ‘Victim’ energy
from your ‘Graceful Soul’ to your world


Monday June 26, 6-7pm: Vocational Vision
Step UP w/ ‘Soul Leader’ Super-Skills: Agency & Choice
from your soul to your world


We’ll utilize the same ZOOM Link for all ACTIVE Mediations this SPRING:

REGISTER HERE & Receive Zoom Link




See our most recent complete Season – Season 3: Conscious Creation
AND Please keep in mind: 
Mystic rEvolution Meditation with Susana & I  
1st Tuesdays 7:30-8:30pm eastern – 
So, our Spring schedule is: March 7, April 4, May 2, June 6.

see what’s coming to THE SOUL GYM this whole year!

4 thoughts on “SPRING 2023: FOCI & INQUIRIES”

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