ABOUT me, Wendy 6March25

What I just wrote off the top of my head, as an updated introduction for Mystics

  • I am a natural Mystic all of my life
    My earliest memories include second sight & always an empath
    My first major vision – of Mother Mary – before my teens, shifted my life

  • My soul senses exploded open 1/2 a year before I was 30.
    I was ‘called’ as a Healer right after I turned 30.
    This was too much energetically, and I evertually broke and was stuck & suffering in many ways.
    Fortunately, I FINALLY found and received training to help me dance GRACEFULLY with heaven & earth, with all this the info & energy.
    I have been sharing what I learned, and developed since then, professionally since 2005.
  • My definition of Healer has morphed over time – I see this now as way beyond fixing and returning to ‘how things were’
    I am passionate about serving (each and all, in our unique journey of) Teleios – our particualr Fullness, Maturity (the Majestic Oak which was hidden in the Acorn).
    I have found this process includes layers of Overcoming, Becoming & Coming to Fruition.

  • My four (intense!) years of training & development:
    as a Mystic/ Psychic(Soul) Reader/ Healer (Ordained Minister & Certified Teacher)
    Currently, I call myself a Mystic Mentor & Change Agent
    Importantly (and a differentiator from what I can tell)
    The Training is NOT in WHAT to Believe,
    rather HOW to Perceive, Choose & Act, from below everyday consciousness, from INside-OUT
    With groups this looks like: healing, training, supporting Mystic/ Soul Readers, Healers, Creatives, Teachers & Leaders…
    With individuals this looks like: Soul Counseling, Spiritual Direction, DEEP Healing, Meditation Coaching, just-in-time Training in any of the above..
    Because of who I am, and my experience & interests, I tend to be especially useful serving folks:
  • Challenged by:

    • Overcoming Victim-cycles, Abuse, Trauma, PTSD. Anxiety, Depression, Suicidal Ideation, Addiction
    • Living with, shifting the Experience of Chronic Illness/ Injury/ Pain/ Fatigue
    • Re-Parenting/ shifting Identity & defaults – deeply re-orienting, below everyday consciousness
    • Navigating LGBT-Queer Issues: Sexual Orientation &/or Gender issues;  Sexual Freedom, Poly Identity & Open/ Closed Relationship Agreements
    • Christian Deconstruction.  Relationship of Religion.& Science, Rationality & Spirituality
    • ‘Spiritual Crisis’, ‘Spiritual Warfare/ Attack’, Stuck in the ‘Dark Night’, Shadow-work
    • Soul senses and abilities out-of-control, inability to control oneself: hearing voices, emotional &/or sexual overwhelm, black-outs with or without bizarre behavior, etc
  • &/or Passionate about

    • Spiritual Deepening, ‘God’ & ‘Mystic’ stuff (see Mystics)
      Also, for example Dancing
      with the Divine OR DwD OR (one more DwD) – this is a major theme over time in my offerings
    • Deepening with Ascended Masters (Jesus, Mother Mary, Buddha, Lao Tau, Kwan Yin…) (see Resonating with Masters)
    • Holistic Perspective, Transcendence, Self-Realization, Individuation/ Self-Actualization/ Living Light  – of course Integral and other systems related to the Path of Teleios  here are some related posts, if interested 🙂

Ok, that’s Enough!
Thanks for playing 🙂

It’s uncomfortable to center myself, and go on and on.
And, I continue to step into: I Matter
Because it helps me be me, do me.
AND In the hopes it helps each of us
know how much
we Each Matter,
And us being Us, doing US
and is worth the investment!

Best to you on your Unique Journey

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