Wildly Wonderful Opportunity to Dive Deeper, together with others who are Dedicated to their unique Dance with the Divine

Are you Crazy about God? Wild about the Holy One?
Are you Passionate about Deepening in your Dance with the Divine? 


Do you DESIRE to Be Delightfully Deeper – more Consistently:

– IN the HOLY, Love, Truth?
– IN the ONE, Sacred, Spirit?

Are you are Open in your Soul, to:

– Learn new tricks, below everyday consciousness?
– Welcome spiritual perception, discernment & co-creation?


Then Come PLAY!

Consistent, Palpable, Spiritual Connection,
Beyond Belief.

Sweet Fruit from the INside, OUT
Fill-up and spill out Bountiful Beautiful Blessings.

Soul Dive Deeper
Fulfilled in the Divine Embrace.
Within the Reality of ONENESS.

My name is Rev Wendy Wolf
I always wanted a more consistent pathway to invite
(what is sometimes called)
‘Spirit to fall’ or ‘Worship’, or the ‘Presence of the Holy’…

was there anything besides sitting & singing?
was I dependent on a like-minded community?

I desired this more deeply and widely for myself,
as well as to introduce others to this incredible blessing.
I asked but did not receive for many decades.

Then I did receive the answer, of course in an unexpected pathway.

I learned Directly in Spirit, 

that God and the gifts of God are ALWAYS HERE.
What was missing, was my willingness and ability to Receive.

I learned from others and then refined Pathways
to make it Easier and more Accessible to
Say YES to God, with Conscious Awareness.

I’ve been sharing this Delicious and Nutritious Practice for almost 20 years
Many have found it to provide an incredible transformation of their Spiritual Life

Would you like to come Savor
Dancing with the Divine,
in ‘Spiritual Communion’ ACTIVE Meditation?

Discover new ways to Spiritually PLAY!
– Receive the Light & Sustaining FLOW of Blessings.
– Release the Heavy & Blocks to CONNECTION.

For Example, Exercising:

Life Abundantly, Overflowing in your Soul, Body, Relationships, World;
as you Conscious Connect & Collaborate with Heaven & Earth.

Beholding & Reflecting, as a Mirror, the Glory – continually transformed into glory;
as you Consciously Allow Divine Alignment.

Body whole & full of Light,  as your Eye is Clear & Simple;
as you Consciously Rest Spiritually in the Seat of your Soul.


You are invited,
regardless of your Religious, Spiritual, or Meditation background.

This is a 7 month program that will Build – and you can drop-in when you can.
There will be other Goodies along the way, gifts to support your Journey.

  • Dec – Dancing with the Divine with Master Jesus
  • Jan – Living in the Sacred Way
  • Feb – Living in Sacred Love 
  • Mar – Living in Sacred Light & Glory 
  • Apr – Living in Sacred Identity
  • May – Living in Sacred Beauty
  • June – Living in Sacred Bliss

I look forward to playing together!

Please be in touch with your questions
and your info regarding your schedule

so you can comfortably participate
in this Wildly Wonderful Opportunity to Dive Deeper,
together with others who are Dedicated to their unique Dance with the Divine

: ) Wendy

Sign-up to stay in touch and contact info



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