SoulTech: a minute to learn… a lifetime to master

Here is the most important thing about SoulTech:
Participating, Doing-it
(enjoying Meditation Workshops, investing in Private Sessions, practicing on your own…)
is not about learning in an everyday, physical sense.
SoulTech is about Engaging, Equipping, Developing
a different part of our system, our consciousness,
than we might usually, consciously notice
For example, when we learn to play soccer,
we don’t just read about it, talk about it, think about it
– we have to Actually DO it, with our bodies, on the field…
In SoulTech,
we don’t just read about it, talk about it, think about it
– we have to Actually DO it, with our souls, deep within…
Just sitting passively and listening to SoulTech meditations is anti-useful:
– this is missing the blessing,
– this will not impress you,
– this will not serve, or facilitate your healing, growth, change, fruition…
SoulTech is not about receiving information,
it is not an intellectual exercise, not a psychological game.
SoulTech is spiritual practice, exercise for your soul.
So when beginning this practice,
please relate to all the learning from a meditative, inner-focused space.
And actually mean-to DO the tools, spiritually.
You can receive live coaching, feedback, tools, inspiration to DO this.
In the long run, if you keep learning and practicing (with me or on your own)
as you mature in the tools, own them for yourself:
I hope you utilize them all the time, anywhere, while doing anything.
For example, at first, when I learned to drive, it took ALL my attention.
I remember going around the Collingwood Circle, showing off my new car to my uncle Bob.
As I approached the Circle, he asked me how many miles the car had.
Hmmm.  I had to look down at one number at a time, as I drove, and it was a real stretch – because I needed so much of my focus to Just Drive!
Now, of course, I can read the odometer – and do all kinds of others things – while I drive.  I bet you can too 😉
Similarly, after utilizing SoulTech for awhile,
you can be:
– in the process of mastering how-to be and act as spirit…

– maturing-into your soul’s capacities, as a default in your system.
So, you will be able to engage your tools and spiritual consciousness
in real-time, real-life, and be served by them.

Utilizing SoulTech in our everyday lives
can super-enrich our inner life, and the rest of our life,
to more easily and gracefully, for example:
– Enjoy what occurs as Good,
– Be-with what occurs as Bad,
– Love what occurs as Ugly, and
– Cultivate what occurs as Beautiful.

So, when beginning,
please put your full attention
on your spiritual experience,
engaging your attention and intention to grow your spiritual perception and your soul muscle.
Of course, with the intention of
ease – not trying hard, going into effort,
grace – not having to DO it all yourself,
playfulness – not taking it all so seriously,
non-judgment – not expecting to be perfect before you start ; )
It is easier to do these inner tools with me, at first, because
we learn spiritually monkey-see, monkey-do.
– when two or more are gathered with spiritual attention and intention, the spiritual energy and assistance from Spirit is increased exponentially.
SoulTech: a minute to learn.
– These spiritual tools and distinctions are simple and easy (when we let them be 😉
– They are used in, by, for our SOUL – deep within.
– Our ability to use the tools refines,
we grow-into our spiritual senses and abilities.
– We utilize this structure, this technology in our soul odyssey, our unending soul adventure: in our deep healing, in becoming who we are, in shifting our world…
SoulTech: a lifetime to master.
If you would like to start learning HOW, please see SoulTech webpage
Blessings on your Unique Path,

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