Our BEing in our soul, our Energetic imprint in the world: MATTERS
- Who we are BEing is what fundamentally matters, shifts our world, brings ‘heaven’ to earth.
- And DOing out of that BEing, in Concert/ Alignment with Source is the most fulfilling way to live – leading to our fulfillment.
- On this Journey, our most profound impact in this world is born.
- Regardless of what it looks like in the world, the physical results:
Sometimes obvious, sometimes not – sometimes big or small.
Material results – and our Natural judgment about this – are not the measure of our Spiritual Journey. (Although looking to what the Fruit is, over time, is key.).
Soul Leadership: Your BEing & DOing: MATTERS
The Bottom Line of this convo below is, as Mark Sanborn said
“Anyone, Anywhere, Can make a Positive Difference”
– Everyone is part of this Game, whether we know it or not
(becoming more conscious, helps everything)
Podcast – Soul Leadership: Your BEing & DOing: Matters
Convo between &
Listen/Watch & Learn about this Convo Now
Daniel gave me the chance to speak at length about my:
- Passion for Spiritual Deepening, Healing & Growth.
- Experience of walking my path as a Mystic, a Healer being Healed, and in my Process of fruition – Teleios.
- Insights around the explicit subject of this interview: You Matter, each of our Presence and who we BE, and what we DO out of this – really makes a difference in co-creating our world.
- Upcoming offerings
- BEing Love
- Empowered Empath
I hope you enjoy the Ride with us in this Podcast.
in Life, Wendy
Soul Leadership
Your BEing, and from there, your DOing -> Impact (ALIGNed on Purpose): MATTERS
What I wrote about this interview focus 2 weeks ahead
– Our Soul Evolution Journey
- What I (Wendy) say, or experience, is only useful to you as inspiration and validation.
What I care about is facilitating Your DIRECT soul EXPERIENCE. - Resources, many theories of Soul Evolution
– The exciting outcome of Teleios
- te’-lā-os, a Greek word: Mature into, Become Perfectly You:
Whole & Complete. Fulfillment, Culmination… - The Oak, hidden in the Acorn, and the process we are blessed by engaging
by explicating, unfurling, uncovering this: Blossoming & Fruition - More writing around Teleios and Soul Evolution Process
– Rest, watch & wait, allow doing to arise out of BEing. And according to your own unique Dance with the Divine.
- More about Soul Leadership here
- Join the convo in Wendy’s new-ish Facebook Group:
Soul Leadership: Bring OUT the Gift IN You: The Leader’s Soul Journey - Facebook Page: Soul Leadership:
Unveil your Unique Genius: Grow, Flourish, Shine & Inspire.
Join this convo in Wendy’s most active Facebook Group:
Everyday Modern Mystic Playground
About Wendy’s work:
- Many promise moon and stars, but this Journey is designed to equip and support you to
Actually TURN the Titanic, not rearrange deck-chairs - What matters is for each to Continue to Soul OWN and DO within ourselves:
enjoy & be transformed by direct experience of spiritual reality
(in this case, LOVE)
and transform in soul, bringing LOVE into your world, creating a life you love.
You will get a taste of this, the results above will happen – over time – as you continue in this journey..
About Wendy:
Rev. Wendy R Wolf identifies as a Mystic; was called as a Healer in 1995. She trained intensely for four years to become a certified SOUL (Psychic) Reader Healer, Teacher, serving professionally since 2005.
Since early childhood, Wendy’s soul senses progressively opened. Unfortunately, suffering as many – with overwhelming information & energy; as is common for (untrained) Empaths, Trance-mediums (Channelers) & many other variations of energy-system ownership challenges.
After being SO STUCK, for too long – inside & out – house-bound many years, often bed-bound (chronic illness); she finally capitulated, learning to consciously dance these energies & powerfully share the fruit. She now savors Life, Abundantly.
- Assistant Director of a Psychic school for 4.5 years;
- Now building “more than a Psychic School”: Graceful Soul: Mystic. Healer. Creative. Leader. A Deepening & Development Academy for Transformers.
- Assisting the waves of Souls, currently evolving into more conscious Soul information & action. Helping ease their transition & magnify their unique contribution.
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