I hope these Groups & Pages are a fun way for you to MEET & PLAY-with other Soul Sensors, Journeyers, Adenturers, rEvolutionaries… Mystics.
This is a Playground – for you and for me – to partake-in; with insights & ideas, vitalizing perspectives… with each other.
To be clear, the conversations that happen here are open to anyone who chooses to join, and do not represent this ministry.
They represent ideas & perspectives we are free to engage-with, but are not limited or defined-by.
I hope you find conversations and people who attract you,
I hope you enjoy them and go deeper with them.
I hope you disregard the conversations and people who do not attract you,
perhaps (at least for now) they are not your people or a fun/ useful conversation for you to invest-in
(we don’t have to go to every party we are invited to ; )
I appreciate your playful participation, as you please.
in Life, Wendy
Mystic Mentor & Change Agent:
Please come PLAY: Learn & Practice Together
Themes change regularly, currently offering
FYI – Other info & resources: A Free Taste
Come Join us on Facebook:
- All of these groups are curated. Sadly there is way too much SPAM and Spewing going on to invite random posting.
- And, once something is posted, it is Permanent and stays Open for comment. I do not delete posts or threads (or stop commenting) if uncomfortable subjects or conflicts arise. Please post mindfully & compassionately. I ask that you do not delete your posts – rather I ask you own them and IF your mind shifts, say so.
A Circle of Mystic GROUPS – to Play in one or all, as it Serves you:
Our Playground: Everyday Modern Mystics (Public Sharing Space)
- This is our Central Hub – General Mystic chat and sharing space for all Mystics of any stripe.
Also, anything that doesn’t obviously fit in the Groups below, goes here. - Go to Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/Mystic.Playground.Public/
Our Rock (as Jesus’ Assembly): Everyday Modern Mystic Christian-ish Convos (Public Sharing Space) (somewhat newish & I’ve done a bit of inviting – it will prolly double when I put attention there)
- This Group is for chatting and sharing as MYSTICs from a CHRISTIAN background/ culture – you may or may not identify as Christian now – mostly regarding anything Christian-related. See here for more description.
- Go to Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mystic.christianish
Our Deep Journey, Together: Everyday Modern Mystics (Private Sharing Space)
- This is the chat and sharing space for stuff that is vulnerable or private.
- This space is not appropriate to post public memes or links, unless you have something to say about them that (for any reason) you cannot say in one of the public groups.
- This space was our original and we enjoyed wonderful community for while, Then stuff happened. It’s been underutilized for years. (IF we utilize, it will revive : )
- Go to Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2012365369042570/
All Our Relations: Soul Relationships : Communication, Intimacy, Sex, Spirit
(Public Sharing Space)
- For chatting and sharing about Life, the Universe & Everything – from a Relational Perspective.
- Please don’t post super-spiritual stuff here, we have that well-covered, above.
- Go to Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/172318856161753
Our Soul Leadership: Bring OUT the Gift IN You: The Leader’s Soul Journey
(Public Sharing Space)
- This Group is for chatting and sharing about
– Coming to our Soul Maturity/ BLOOM/ Teleios);
– BEing the Change we want to see in our world; and
– BEing & DOing who we REALly are & in this way, making the Unique IMPACT only we can as whole are, where we are. - Read more here, if you please: https://wendyrwolf.com/soul-leadership/
- Please don’t post super-spiritual stuff here, we have that well-covered, above.
- Go to Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/434763670390830
Our Sacred Truth: Living Reality, Releasing Energy of Invalidation & SHAME (Public Sharing Space) (newish & still growing)
- This Group is for chatting and sharing about our dance with the Divine Quality of Sacred Truth.
- Read here for more info about the many aspects I mean by that, if you please, 3/4 down this page under the heading Soul Dance of Sacred Truth
- Go to Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/groups/oursacredtruth/
THRIVE in Tough Times! Our Spiritually Centered, Soul PRACTICE Community (Public Sharing Space) (new as of Jan 2025, still inviting friends)
- This Facebook Group creates community resources and connections to bring more comfort & joy in your world, particularly with the Regime change in the US brings many shifts.
- The main thrust of the group, is Supporting, reSourcing our INside, to help us to weather the changes,
and have the stability to leverage Shift in our OUTside world. Thus, the Soul Practice Focus, and offering. - Read more here, if you please: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thrivesoulpractice/posts/1659827227970002/
- Please don’t post super-spiritual stuff here, we have that well-covered, above.
- Go to Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/thrivesoulpractice/
Our Sanctuary: Everyday Modern Mystics Dancing w/ the Divine: Sacred Sharing (Public Sharing Space) (newish & NOT yet POPULATED)
- For folks who Really Resonate with Dancing with the Divine invited to share about Deep Diving in Delightful Divine Experience, not merely post general or publicly available memes or links about it.
- Go to Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/891660568193118
Our Spiritual Perceptions and Co-Creations: Miracles, Magic & Manifestation (Public Sharing Space) (old & not yet invited friends)
- This is a place to share YOUR stories of Miracles, Magic & Manifestation! No matter how large or how small – let’s validate our spiritual perceptions and co-creations!
- Go to Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/miraclesmagicmanifestation/
ALIVE: Our Soul Freedom, Power, Joy! Addiction Recovery – Sustainably Sober (Public Sharing Space) (old & not yet invited firends)
- This Facebook Group Plays with ideas & insights around Body, Mind, Spirit Pathways in Living Here, Now With: Life Abundantly Overflowing.
- Read more here, if you please: https://www.facebook.com/groups/alivesoul/permalink/1859761311126697/
- Please don’t post super-spiritual stuff here, we have that well-covered, above.
- Go to Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/alivesoul
A Circle of Mystic PAGES – to Play as it Serves you (all naturally PUBLIC):
Soul Dancing with the Divine: Everyday Modern Mystics w/ Rev Wendy Wolf
- Are you Open in your Soul to perceive & co-create?
Are you actively Dancing w/ the Divine?
Do you want MORE? Come PLAY! - Read more here, if you please: https://wendyrwolf.com/dancing-with-the-divine/
- I tend to put my video shares here, if they fit – otherwise they go in ‘Mystic Moments‘
- Go to Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Soul-Dancing-with-the-Divine-Everyday-Modern-Mystics-w-Rev-Wendy-Wolf-199340857207669
Graceful Soul: Ears to Hear, Eyes to See w/ Mystics, Healers & Creatives
- Direct spiritual experience – subtly informed in our Soul – and doing, saying, creating: Gracefully
- read more Mystics Matter and Graceful Soul Academy
- All current Drop-in Meditations and Chats for new folks are posted Here.
- Go to Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/GracefulSoulWendyRWolf
Soul Leadership: Unveil your Unique Genius: Grow, Flourish, Shine & Inspire
- We need Your Unique Gifts
Let your Seed Sprout: INside-OUT to Fruition
BE the Leader you already Are - Read more here, if you please: https://wendyrwolf.com/soul-leadership/
- Go to Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Soul-Leadership-Unveil-your-Unique-Genius-Grow-Flourish-Shine-Inspire-454599838406988 https://wendyrwolf.com/soul-leadership/
Soul Peace for Feelers, Healers, Lovers: Empowered Empaths w/ Wendy R Wolf
- Peaceful & EMPOWERED, Safe & Sustainable:
as an EMPATH, Intuitive, Sensitive…
w/ Unique IMPACT
as Lover, Healer, Creator, Leader
… Sharing your Gifts, in your Way.
Ready for More of this in your Life? for your world? - Read more here, if you please: https://wendyrwolf.com/empoweredempaths/
- Go to Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/SoulPeaceEmpoweredEmpaths
Soul Connected: BEing Love, REALizing Intimacy – with Wendy R Wolf
- Experiencing Love, Connectedness, Oneness is your birthright.
You don’t have to wait for anyone else. - Read more here, if you please: https://wendyrwolf.com/being-the-love-you-want/
- Go to Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/BEingLoveREALizingIntimacy
Soul Teleios: Heal Grow Shine: Be Your Potential w/ Wendy R Wolf
- Overcome. Become. Come to Fruition: BLOOM.
BE your Unique Potential: Heal out of the Darkness; Grow towards the Light; Shine Shine Shine! - Read more here, if you please: https://soultechwendyrwolf.blogspot.com/2014/04/what-does-teleios-mean.html
- Go to Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Soul-Teleios-Heal-Grow-Shine-Be-Your-Potential-w-Wendy-R-Wolf-377452872281990
Soul rEvolution w/ Wendy R Wolf
- rEvolution begins Here, Now.
Transformation from the Inside, Out.
Let’s BE the Change we wish to see in the world! - Read more here, if you please: https://wendyrwolf.com/about-founder-wendy-r-wolf/
- Go to Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/SoulrEvolutionWendyRWolf
Soul Sovereignty: Be Captain of Your Life with Wendy R Wolf
- Be Strong & Courageous:
Savor Spiritual Dominion in your Soul;
and from there into your Body, Life & World. - Read more here, if you please: https://wendyrwolf.com/be-captain/
- Go to Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Soul-Sovereignty-Be-Captain-of-Your-Life-with-Wendy-R-Wolf-366373170364664
Soul Integrity w/ ALL our Relations: Honoring I/Thou regardless of Ideology
- Join us to Stand FOR ‘BEing the Change’ we want to see in our world.
Practicing from inside-out:
Oneness & Boundaries. Playful Respect. Equanimity & Equality. - Read more here, if you please: https://wendyrwolf.com/playing-our-own-game/ OR https://wendyrwolf.com/be-captain/being-captain-of-our-life-changes-our-life-our-world-a-manifesto-from-wendy-r-wolf/
- Go to Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Soul.Integrity.Honoring.ALL
Soul Encouragement: Light in the Darkness w/ Wendy R Wolf
- Rise and Shine! Through Direct Experience of the Presence & Love of your SOURCE.
“light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.” - Read more here, if you please:
– For Everyone, here is some of my story & an offering: https://wendyrwolf.com/about-wendy-as-a-healer/ AND https://wendyrwolf.com/deep-healing-with-inner-tools/
– For Christians or those who love Jesus, here is a whole (old) blog & an offering: https://thelightovercomesdarkness.blogspot.com/ AND https://wendyrwolf.com/light-in-the-darkness/ - Go to Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/SoulEncouragementLightInTheDarkness
Soul Choice: Consciously Creative & Empowered Shift, from the INside, OUT
- Your Life as Art.
Your work & world as Inspired Invention.
Creative Change: as an Animated Artist. - Read more here, if you please: WendyRWolf.com
- Go to Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/SoulChoiceEmpoweredShift/
Soul Inspiration & Insights: Modern Mystic Moments w/ Wendy R Wolf (New-ish, underutilized and I haven’t invited yet ; )
- Dear: Mystic. Healer. Creative. Leader!
May these Ruminations inspirit
Your Unique SOUL Journey. - See more here, if you please: https://www.youtube.com/@wendyrwolf/playlists read more here if you please: https://wendyrwolf.com/modernmystic/everyday-modern-mystic-movement-manifesto/
- I tend to put my video shares here, unless they fit in ‘Soul Dancing with the Divine‘
- Go to Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ModernMysticMoments
I appreciate your playful participation, as you please.
in Life, Wendy
Mystic Mentor & Change Agent:
Dancing with the Divine – Beyond Belief
Please come PLAY: Learn & Practice Together
Themes change regularly, currently offering