Ready to PLAY a Whole New Game in 2023? Transform from the INside-OUT!


read  Standing FOR our Sacred Dreams:  Playing Our Own True GAME

Let’s Live & Learn, Play & Practice, Together!

I have learned to BE me, DO me, Make my IMPACT,
with Comfort & Joy, Grace & Ease, more than I EVER thought Possible.
And I have watched hundreds of others make this shift, up close and personal.
I am blessed to PRACTICE and Share:
* Discernment 
direct spiritual information with wisdom & distinctions

* Tools 
a place to stand and levers to shift – from the Inside, OUT
YOU can do this TOO, if you Choose

I believe it is so Important to say:

This is not just Another Ego accoutrement,

Story to tell, Credential to earn, Accomplishment to DO.
Yes, we do stuff:
– We call it Work & Play, Learning & Practice
– We unveil the Gifts, enjoy eating & sharing the Fruit
– We explore Spirit & Soul: How to Perceive, Choose & Act below everyday Consciousness


None of this is about Chasing, Effort, Striving, Trying

This is not about looking ‘good’ or getting ‘ahead’ or ‘winning’ over others.
We are not in Competition (judging, resisting, playing the better or worse game)
with Past or Future, Self or Others, Heaven or Earth.
Rather we are:

– Diligently entering REST – in our Soul – whether in repose or in action, in our Body/Mind.

– Devoting ourselves to GENTLE Care-for & Communication-with our Body,
developing a delicious Soul/ Body Relationship.

– Dancing with Heaven & Earth in our Soul, Aligning with our Source on Purpose,
and allowing coherence: eventually, naturally explicating Spirit in our Body, Life & World.
I like to say, this Practice is about learning to Turn the Titanic, not Re-arranging Deck Chairs.
We are working with the big stuff that can change the course of our lives.


Meanwhile, This Soul Practice really does take Something!

Diligence, Devotion, Dancing (actively/consciously) in our Soul…
These are things most of us aren’t trained-in, or Conscious-of.
Many of us can’t deeply:
– shift, go, do, stop, receive – when, where, or how we Choose.
It takes Commitment, Intention, Practice
to Soul Mature into this and unveil our Capacities.
Just like Everything in Life:
being Naturally Capable takes us only so far.
If we want extraordinary results, we are challenged to Actually Do the Work.


It is fun!…
Wendy has guided me through exercises that have helped me:
accept myself, release negative energy, and interact positively with others.

The most important thing I have learned…
I am on a spiritual path.
The spiritual tools I have picked up have helped me
develop a keen insight of that path, that journey.
Going forward… to comfortably live
in control of my choice of emotion and choice of will.

But it is fun.
I have been enjoying these learning experiences, growth cycles,
with someone who I trust and can laugh with.
With someone who is experienced and warm-hearted enough
for me to let my guard down.
I feel free enough to allow the changes of spiritual growth to happen,
to work for a positive change in my life.

And my life has changed and I thankful to Wendy for her guidance.
– TC

{If you would like to read more}


If we only think, read, talk about Soul Practice…
this is Not Soul Practice, and we can’t be surprised if nothing much happens.
This SOUL Practice I share
works, when we work it.

The Basics of this Soul Practice
have been utilized by thousands.
They have done the work,
and see amazing effects.

IF you give yourself to this Process:

Your inner experience will Shift
& from there, your life & experience of your world. 

(The easy things will shift quickly, the impossible will take a little longer ; )

he Soul GYM.

To help support the growth of

– each and all of us to Play our OWN True Game!

– our shared Practice and Community:
I have added more Structure to my offerings, beginning 2023,
including The Soul GYM, our Practice Community


Gift Yourself or a Friend: HALF-PRICE Holiday Specials for the New YEAR

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