Online & in Ballard
Starting January 21, 2018
Intro to these energies at previous post: Consciously Savor Goodness & Blessings – within ourselves, and with our world:
Start your New Year IN Goodness,
Care-for yourself along the way…
Allow, Invite yourself to
– BE filled-with, and
– Overflow with Blessings for all those around you:
Abundance, Havingness, Gratefulness, Ease…
Allow Manifestation, co-Creation of the experience of Goodness
within yourself, and in your world.
This Sounds SO good, but
HOW do we let these Blessings IN?
Come play and learn together in upcoming
Soul Tools / Meditation Workshop Series:
Consciously Savor Goodness & Blessings
– within ourselves, and with our world.
Want to enjoy a chance to?
– Learn & Practice Soul Tools,
– say Hello more deeply to Blessings, deep in our souls.
Soul Tools / Meditation Workshop Series
– for beginners and advanced meditators
– available in Seattle, and online.
Enjoy one workshop, or be blessed by them all.
You can get copies of the ones you must miss!
Each time we meet, we will put our attention and intention
on one of these Powerful Places to Stand, exploring:
Abundance – January 21st in Seattle (you are welcome to come play with us online)
* Sunday afternoon 4:30-5:30pm in Seattle
= Sunday night 7:30-8:30pm in NYC
= next day, Monday 11:30am-12:30pm in Sydney
Havingness – January 26th online (if easy to come to Ballard, come play with us in Seattle)
* Friday afternoon 5-6pm in Seattle
= Friday night 8-9pm in NYC
= next day, Saturday noon-1pm in Sydney
Gratefulness – February 9th online (if easy to come to Ballard, come play with us in Seattle)
* Friday 3-4pm in Seattle
= Friday 6-7pm in NYC
= next day, Saturday 10-11am in Sydney
Ease – February 25th in Seattle (you are welcome to come play with us online)
* Sunday afternoon 4-5pm in Seattle
= Sunday evening 7-8pm in NYC
= next day, Monday 11am-noon in Sydney
For members of newsletter, try your first workshop free.
After that, small donation requested.
Let me know you are interested, and I will send you details.
in Life! Wendy

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