January 2022: Soul Sovereignty: Graceful Soul PLAYshops

Thursday Evening, ACTIVE Meditation PLAYshops w/ Wendy & Friends.
LEARN more & Sign-up for our January FOCUS: Soul Sovereignty



Our final and keystone inquiry in this 7 month series: Soul Sovereignty

– Sovereign within and Efficacious in our creations.
Dominion. Unshakable Internal Authority.
– Capstone ‘fruit of the spirit’ = Mastery from within.
IN Soul Sovereignty,
we are not subject to our own or others’ random or incessant pressure:
thoughts, beliefs, expectations, rampaging emotions, impulses, instincts, habits, social momentum, programming…
– In the driver’s seat of our body, energy and life.
– Playing our Own Game.  BEing the Captain.
Seniority. Agency. BEing who we ARE.

Let’s get some context:
Since July in Thursday PLAYshops,
we have been delving into the 7 KEY Blessings & Practices to help us BLOOM
A couple months before we started this Series,
I was fortunate to Play with w/ Peter & Rusty, organically exploring. 

Watch ‘7 KEYS through the Lens of Self-Mastery’

Only an hour, please check out this video, here’s some feedback:
Super Duper-this isn’t just a chat it is more of a discourse. Self-Mastery 101

– Jasper Hill


Please Come: Enjoy a Taste of
Soul Sovereignty: Mastery from Within

We Practice a different way of BEing & enjoy/ share the Fruit.
Shift your experience of yourself & your world.
Come Learn HOW!




Thursday evening drop-ins
w/ Wendy R Wolf & Friends:


Every Thurz: 1 hour starting 5:30 Pacific; 8:30 (Eastern USA time)
First time, come as our Guest.


Jan 6: Healing & Conscious Creativity CIRCLE: Playing your Own Game
Group work w/ ACTIVE Meditation IN Soul Sovereignty.
Individual energy tune-up & coaching
ZOOM LINK for January Circle


Jan 13: Special Dancing with the Divine:
Taking Dominion w/ Master Jesus
ZOOM Link for ‘Our Sanctuary’ in January


Jan 20: Graceful Soul PLAYshop!  Equipped & Empowered to CHOOSE
SOUL/ Mystic FOUNDATIONS: Validating your Soul Senses & Abilities.
Utilizing ACTIVE Meditation to SHIFT.  Savoring Soul Sovereignty.


Jan 27: Special Dancing with the Divine: 
Sharing Gifts from the Mountaintop with All your Relations
ZOOM Link for ‘Our Sanctuary’ in January.



Do you want ‘Soul Sovereignty’ enough, to try something NEW?
We share simple inner tools
that have inspired & assisted thousands to shift their lives.
Why not YOU, too?!
We Support & Equip you* To ALIGN on Purpose
-> FOCUS & SHIFT-> from the Inside-out
* To BE the Change:
-> Empower Direct Soul Engagement
-> Overcome, Become, Come to Fruition

Have you Tried Everything to find more Soul Sovereignty?
Try ACTIVE Meditation!
WHY try one more thing?
-> Your True BEing, DOing, IMPACT… Matters
HOW is this possible?
-> Soul Technology: Learn Leverage from the inside -out
WHAT can you receive?
-> Inner Tools & a proven Process to support & move you.
-> Be Informed, Understand, Choose & Act from within your Soul,
Beyond your everyday Consciousness, thoughts, beliefs, feelings…
Develop, in the vicissitudes of life

  • a Safe, Solid place within, a Rock on which to stand,
  • more Trust-in your Soul Senses, to Perceive Spiritual & Physical reality more Clearly & Confidently, and
  • new ways to Leverage you Abilities, within: to Powerfully Choose And Shift: keys within your own soul.

Thursday Evening, ACTIVE Meditation PLAYshops w/ Wendy & Friends.
LEARN more & Sign-up for our January FOCUS: Soul Sovereignty

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