RECEIVE a week of emailed Inspiration & Insights to help you
Live IN Love, from Inside, OUT
We can utilize what we Call Love, Intimacy, Sex, Romance
to lean-in or check-out
– as Fulfillment/ Actualizing OR Addiction/ Distraction
to come into more OR less
Conscious Connection with here, now, with Reality, including:
– ourselves & others
– heaven & Earth
– our Dance with the Divine
Love, Intimacy, Sex & Romance with HEALing & GROWth?
– Heal us and help us Grow?
– Heal them and help them Grow?
Romance is fun, sweet, exciting
– how can we enjoy benefits of Romance, regardless of relationship status?
Infatuation/ NRE (the energy of New Relationships) is Potent!
– how can we Leverage Infatuation in our unique Journey of BEing LOVE?
Sex is a central component of life for most adults
– how can we meet our Sexual Needs, with or without sexual partner(s)?
Openness is more or less available to us, depending on our nature & nurture
– how can we benefit from Bonding, when we’ve experienced hurt or harm?
Owning our own Soul, Body, Life while in Relationship(s) can be a challenge,
– how can we be Free: to BE us & BE with them as them, with safety & ease?
LOVE is experienced in so many different ways in our Soul
– how can we nurture LOVE, within ourselves?
This is the Beginning of a conversation that has always MOVED me,
what about you?
I’d appreciate hearing your perspective.
Interested in Intense Inquires, within?
Different flavors of Meditation each week.
Come as my guest for a taste, as suits your schedule
Learn more, sign-up for Newsletter, Contact w/ Questions
Meanwhile, I’m offering my Usual ‘BEing the LOVE you Want’ Meditations.
Which are extraordinary, and the most popular foci that I offer all year.
See upcoming Meditations in Newsletter OR Facebook
AND this year I am adding a Special workshop,
to delve deeper into this Juicy, Delicious & Nutritious Subject.
You will receive a Taste of my perspective on:
HOW we can Show Up for Ourselves & Others, for Life,
FULL, not empty & grasping:
we will say hello to
BEing & Sharing with others, core capacities of Love, i.e.:
– Belonging (wherever we are)
– Intimacy (deep Connection that is Real for our body)
– Boundaries (coming naturally IN Sacred Power & Will)
– Oneness (the Sacred Truth experienced in heart as Affinity)
– Staying in healthy physical & spiritual Communication
– Validation / Acceptance (BEing with what IS)
…*** REALly Seeing & Being Seen, Knowing & being Known
Please join us in:
Love, Intimacy, Sex & Romance:
HOW do I get my needs met?!
Interested in Intense Inquires, within?
Different flavors of Meditation each week.
Come as my guest for a taste, as suits your schedule
Learn more, sign-up for Newsletter, Contact w/ Questions
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