REALizing Love, Intimacy, Sex, Romance…


RECEIVE a week of emailed Inspiration & Insights to help you
Live IN Love, from Inside, OUT

We can utilize what we Call Love, Intimacy, Sex, Romance
to lean-in or check-out
– as Fulfillment/ Actualizing OR Addiction/ Distraction
to come into more OR less
Conscious Connection with here, now, with Reality, including:
– ourselves & others
– heaven & Earth
– our Dance with the Divine
Love, Intimacy, Sex & Romance with  HEALing & GROWth?

– Heal us and help us Grow?
– Heal them and help them Grow?

Romance is fun, sweet, exciting
– how can we enjoy benefits of Romance, regardless of relationship status?

Infatuation/ NRE (the energy of New Relationships) is Potent!
how can we Leverage Infatuation in our unique Journey of BEing LOVE?

Sex is a central component of life for most adults
how can we meet our Sexual Needs, with or without sexual partner(s)?

Openness is more or less available to us, depending on our nature & nurture 
– how can we benefit from Bonding, when we’ve experienced hurt or harm?

Owning our own Soul, Body, Life while in Relationship(s) can be a challenge,
how can we be Free: to BE us & BE with them as them, with safety & ease?

LOVE is experienced in so many different ways in our Soul
how can we nurture LOVE, within ourselves?

This is the Beginning of a conversation that has always MOVED me,
what about you?
I’d appreciate hearing your perspective.

Interested in Intense Inquires, within?
Different flavors of Meditation each week.

Come as my guest for a taste, as suits your schedule
Learn more, sign-up for Newsletter, Contact w/ Questions

Meanwhile, I’m offering my Usual ‘BEing the LOVE you Want’ Meditations.
Which are extraordinary, and the most popular foci that I offer all year.
See upcoming Meditations in Newsletter OR Facebook
AND this year I am adding a Special workshop,
to delve deeper into this Juicy, Delicious & Nutritious Subject.
You will receive a Taste of my perspective on:
HOW we can Show Up for Ourselves &  Others, for Life,
FULL, not empty & grasping
we will say hello to
BEing & Sharing with others, core capacities of Love, i.e.:
Belonging (wherever we are)
Intimacy (deep Connection that is Real for our body)
Boundaries (coming naturally IN Sacred Power & Will)
Oneness (the Sacred Truth experienced in heart as Affinity)
– Staying in healthy physical & spiritual Communication
Validation / Acceptance (BEing with what IS)
*** REALly Seeing & Being Seen, Knowing & being Known

Please join us in:

Love, Intimacy, Sex & Romance: 
HOW do I get my needs met?!


Interested in Intense Inquires, within?
Different flavors of Meditation each week.

Come as my guest for a taste, as suits your schedule
Learn more, sign-up for Newsletter, Contact w/ Questions

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