July 2021: Savor your True FREEDOM! Graceful Soul PLAYshops

Thursday Evening, ACTIVE Meditation PLAYshops w/ Wendy R Wolf & Friends.
LEARN more & Sign-up for our July FOCUS:
Take Back Your FREE Will, live in the FREEDOM that is your Birthright.

Ready to Savor the FREEDOM to Fly!
But sadly, sometimes still Snagged?
Breakthrough the Bounds you’ve been Striving against, but still hold you.
Blow Beyond the Familiar:
– more Leverage & Lightness
– less Struggle & Suffering
Do you want this enough, to try something NEW?
We share simple tools,
that have shifted the lives of many thousands.

Why not YOU, too?
We equip you to FOCUS & SHIFT:
ALIGN on Purpose – from the Inside-out.
To BE the Change:
-> Empower Direct Soul Engagement.
-> Overcome, Become, Come to Fruition...


July PLAYshops w/ Wendy R Wolf & Friends:

1 July – Freedom & Free-Will Circle / Group work w/ Individual coaching.
Healing & Conscious Creativity.

8 July – Let Freedom RING
/ BE Playful, Malleable, and Free
– with Ascended Master Sabrina
– about Raising your Vibration with Ascended Masters.


15 July –
Freedom to PLAY!
/ Leverage Soul SHIFT w/ inner-TOOLS
– Actively Invite the Soul Blessings: Vibration/ Energy of Freedom/ Permission.
Goodbye to Soul Banes: Vibration/ Energy of heaviness, doubt, resistance.
Validate your own Soul Senses & Abilities.


Mystic: Bring OUT the GIFTs IN You… MORE.
Soul Reader? Healer? Creative? Want to be?
Release the BS. PLAY Freely!

This ACTIVE Meditation PLAYshop
is useful for beginners, or any level of ability:

*Uncomfortable* with your Abilities? Overwhelmed with your soul information? Unable to safely, confidently hold your energetic boundaries?
RECEIVE WHAT YOU NEED to PLAY; no longer in Fear, Pain, Shame, Struggle…

*Drawn to Explore* your soul senses, discover, dive into your abilities?
DO WHAT IT TAKES to BECOME a Powerful, Capable, Sustainable… Soul Reader, Healer, Creative, Leader.

*Already Capable* as a Soul: Reader, Healer, Creative, Leader?
GO DEEPER, to the NEXT LEVEL: in your inner Resources & Distinctions, and in your own Unique Soul Evolution.

Come get a TASTE of Freedom;
Receive a few inner-TOOLS & Practices
to Leverage Soul SHIFT.

We will:
– Actively INVITE Soul Blessings:
Vibration/ Energy of Freedom/ Permission.

– Say GOODBYE to Soul Banes:
Vibration/ Energy of heaviness, doubt, resistance.

VALIDATE your own Soul Senses & Abilities.
YOU have the Power to Shift, to Choose NEW.
RELEASE the bounds and LIVE in the Freedom that is your Birthright.

LEARN more & Sign-up to come as our GUEST
to our Thursday Evening, ACTIVE Meditation PLAYshops,
for our July FOCUS:

Take Back Your FREE Will, live in the FREEDOM that is your Birthright:

Sign up for free workshop(s): http://eepurl.com/hfS3_j

See you soon!
in Life, Wendy
[email protected]

Graceful Soul: Spiritual Deepening & Human Development Academy:
Mystic. Healer. Creative. Leader.

22 July – EMBODY Empowerment
/ Free & Fortify your Free Will
– ACTIVATE, Cleanse, Balance, Utilize solar plexus chakra (ENERGY Processor)
– FOCUS Sacred POWER: *You* Can Show-up, Act, Say, Shine!


Taste deeper FREEDOM, it’s your Birthright.
Invest 1 Hour:
say Goodbye to the Leash! RUN – your own Life – without trashing it.

You want to keep your life, relationships, values…
You have had Enough! You’re DONE putting up-with BS!

HOW can you savor BOTH?
Come fund out.

Be Inspired & learn new tricks:
HOW to Powerfully Play in your Unique, Narrow Way:

– EMBODY Empowerment, on a whole new level.

– OWN, Free & Fortify your Free Will,
your greatest Gift, after: LIFE, itself.

Receive Practical inner-Tools to SHIFT from the Inside-Out:

– ACTIVATE, Cleanse, Balance, Utilize solar plexus chakra (ENERGY Processor)

– FOCUS Sacred POWER: *You* Can Show-up, Act, Say, Shine!

– REALIZE your Vision, Gifts, Talents, Purpose, IMPACT…

LEARN more & Sign-up to come as our GUEST
to our Thursday Evening, ACTIVE Meditation PLAYshops,
for our July FOCUS:

Take Back Your FREE Will, live in the FREEDOM that is your Birthright:


See you soon!
in Life, Wendy
[email protected]

Graceful Soul: Spiritual Deepening & Human Development Academy:
Mystic. Healer. Creative. Leader.

29 July – SHINE: Free your Voice
 / SAY your Truth, SING your Beauty
– Exercising & Energizing your Vocal Chords.
– Practicing Taking center stage in your life and Saying your Truth – out Loud!
– Enhancing your Human Development,
w/ Transformation Facilitator, Wendy R Wolf & Voice Coach, Katie McCoy


Take the next Big Step in your Unique Journey.
Invest an Hour: Taste a whole New WAY of
BEing! DOing! as YOU, unveiled.

Take off the Bushel
– More Comfortably & Ease-fully: Be Seen & Heard
– Gracefully, Make Your Difference, your Unique IMPACT

Invest an Hour: Taste a whole New WAY!
TAKE Center Stage in your life.
SHINE your Light.

SAY your Truth.
FREE your Voice.
SING your Beauty.


Come as our Guest to
Enhance your Human Development, w/

* Transformation Facilitator, Wendy R Wolf
– leading this PLAYshop
& leading ACTIVE Meditation

* Voice Coach, Katie McCoy
– leading us in: Opening-to Singing our Song,
and Exercising & Energizing our Vocal Chords

LEARN more & Sign-up to come as our GUEST
to our Thursday Evening, ACTIVE Meditation PLAYshops,
for our July FOCUS:

Take Back Your FREE Will, live in the FREEDOM that is your Birthright:

See you soon!
in Life, Wendy
[email protected]

Graceful Soul: Spiritual Deepening & Human Development Academy:
Mystic. Healer. Creative. Leader



LEARN more & Sign-up for our July FOCUS:
Take Back Your FREE Will, live in the FREEDOM that is your Birthright.


Have you Tried Everything? Try this!
Every Thurz in July: Come as our Guest:
Savor your True FREEDOM!
WHY try one more thing?
-> Your True BEing, DOing, IMPACT… Matters.
HOW is this possible?
-> Soul Technology: Learn Leverage from the inside -out
WHAT can you receive?
-> Inner Tools & a proven Process to support you;
to Be Informed, Understand, Choose & Act;
from beyond everyday Consciousness.

General Outline for ACTIVE Meditation Workshops w/ changing Foci each Month:
– 1st Thurz: Healing & Conscious Creativity
– 2nd Thurz: Raising your Vibration with Ascended Masters.
– 3rd Thurz: Validating your Soul Senses & Abilities, utilizing them to SHIFT
– 4th Thurz: Connecting with body, Spirit &/or ALL your Relations
– the odd 5th Thurz: Playing: enhancing your Human Development.

LEARN more & Sign-up for our July FOCUS:
Take Back Your FREE Will, live in the FREEDOM that is your Birthright.

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