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About Meditation with Master Jesus
Allowing Love IN to our hearts, into our bodies, into our lives
– from Spirit – not just from a romantic partner.
And letting this Love fulfill us and spill into our world…
Looking to, and consciously, actively dancing with Jesus
– learning a new way to enjoy love within us & out in to the world.
This is an Active Meditation experience
– going within; then sharing and learning together, as well.
The Blessing of Affinity
Deepening your heart Connection,
with ALL your Relations:
Abba and Jesus, earth and heaven, yourself and your body;
those close to you and All Living Beings.
Monday, February 24th
Workshop 4:15-6:15 pm; Online: 4-6:30 pm EST.
(see bottom of info page for ’round the world time translations)
Online/Phone – Links will be sent to you when you Register.
This workshop is Open to All; and specifically Focused for
– folks from a Christian Tradition and/or
– folks who Love, or are at least comfortable w/ Master Jesus
… or want to be 🙂

Celebrate Valentine’s Day in a whole New Way:
BEing the Love you Want Workshop Week!
Have fun learning new ways to
Invite Love, Connection, Intimacy, Belonging…
Into your life – from the Inside-Out, with Active Meditation.
Valentine’s Week 2020: 7 days, 7 ways, to participate!
Offerings in Raleigh, Cary, Charlotte, and Online/Phone.
Choose one that resonates with you, and come play!
Invitation ~~~ Schedule ~~~ Registration
Questions? Contact Wendy
This is our only online workshop, with Jesus in February – please come!
Welcome to the BEing the Love You Want! Workshop Weeks
This is one of 7 Workshops available for you.
PLUS: Participate in ONE, receive SEVEN (see Bonus info)

Jesus told me a long time ago – maybe ~2012? – a similar thing.
– Wendy R Wolf,
I said HOW HOW HOW could you keep loving, and giving, and healing, and inspiring, and being so patient…
Loving in the face of all the BS?
To the last: ‘Forgive them Father, they know not what they do…’
He said,
I was am filled with Love – so connected;
I am Love.
So, I am FREE.
I didn’t need from them.
I only followed Abba.
Then, if they liked it or they didn’t;
if they loved me or they didn’t
– it was ok.
I was free to Just LOVE Them.
And I could receive any love and validation they sent my way,
but I wasn’t addicted to it, or manipulated by it.
I didn’t need it, and it didn’t influence me.
I was free to follow Abba and just love them,
This is Very Powerful teaching, from Jesus
who is modeling an amazing way to live.
Jesus says this way of Freedom and BEing love in the world,
is available to each one of us.
That is REALLY Good News, IMOe.
excerpt from “I am NOT the Center of the Universe – LOVE is – that’s Really Liberating!”
For your convenience, here are ’round the world time translations:
Please invite your friends 😉
4 pm Eastern Time in Raleigh is:
- Seattle Mon 1:00 pm
- NYC Mon 4:00 pm
- London Mon 9:00 pm
- Cape Town Mon 11:00 pm
- Perth Tues 5:00 am *
- Sydney Tues 8:00 am *
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