(ready to Register?)
Celebrate Valentine’s Day in a whole New Way!
BEing the Love you Want: Workshop Weeks!
Have fun learning new ways to
Invite Love, Connection, Intimacy, Belonging…
Into your life – from the Inside-Out, with Active Meditation.
Valentine’s Week 2020: 7 days, 7 ways, to participate!
Offerings in Raleigh, Cary, Charlotte, and Online/Phone.
Choose one that resonates with you, and come play!
Invitation ~~~ Schedule ~~~ Registration
Questions? Contact Wendy
In these workshop weeks,
we will be exploring and exercising within, in Active Meditation.
And from there inviting Love, and other wonderful shifts,
to cascade into your body, your life and your world.
Workshop Schedule
Delight in the Deliciousness you Desire
Tap into an Endless Supply of Love: Discover, Savor & Transform
in the unique flavor of Love that you are hungry-for.
Friday, February 14th – 7-9 pm; North Raleigh
Goodbye Struggle & Darkness; Hello Love & Beauty
Shift is Possible: Invite Connection, from the Inside-Out.
Find more Freedom & Permission to BE, and Release Blocks.
Sunday, February 16th – 3:30-5:30 pm; North Raleigh
Invite Safe Comfortable Connections to Bloom
Empowerment, Healthy Boundaries,
and Space for your Soul to Dance with Love.
Thursday, February 20th – 6:30-8:30 pm; Charlotte
Relishing Intimacy, with All your Relations
Becoming more (selectively) available for connection
that is tenderly realized in your Body Experience
Saturday, February 22nd – 6:15- 8:15pm EST; Online/Phone
Experiencing Oneness in your Soul, w/ Master Jesus as our Guide
The Blessing of Affinity: Deepening your heart Connection, with ALL your Relations: earth and heaven, yourself and your Body, those close to you and All.
Monday, February 24th – 4:15-6:15 pm EST; Online/Phone
Resting in Truth, BEing with What IS, w/ Mother Mary as Guide
Dancing w/ the Divine: Experience, Heal, Overflow in the blessings of
Trust, Validation, Wholeness, Gratefulness, Forgiveness…
Wednesday, February 26th – 12:15 – 2:15 pm EST; Online/Phone
Fully Realize Love in yourself, in your Life, with Master Jesus
3 Centers of Wisdom: Soul Connection: (1) Experiencing Oneness in your Heart; (2) Being here, now, with what IS; (3) Your Dance with ALL your Relations.
Tuesday, March 3 – 6:30-8:30 pm; Cary

To register (with prepaid voucher)
Send email to [email protected], being sure to include:
- Your name
- Workshop selection
- Voucher number
To register (and make payment)
- Select desired workshop. (See schedule above).
- Calculate payment total. (Remember to invite friends).
- $60/person — (in-person class)
- $30/person — (online class)
- $0/person — Bonuses with all workshops.
Participate in ONE, receive SEVEN
- Make payment via PayPal, adjusting “Price per item” to reflect total from previous step.
- Send email to [email protected], being sure to include:
- Your name
- Workshop selection
- Payment verification details
OK – now that you are registered – hooray!
Some details so you know what to Expect:
When to Arrive:
- Please arrive at least 10-15 minutes before the workshop starts, to get settled. (Doors open early, so you can relax into our time together.)
- We will begin on time – I intend to bring tremendous value to you in this workshop, we need the full 2 hours.
- We will build on the foundations we learn in the beginning of our time together. Doors will close 5 minutes after the hour, please do not be late.
What to Bring:
- You don’t have to bring anything – except yourself.
- Bringing some friends would be awesome!
- If you would like: Bring a closable water-bottle, and a journal.
- We will sit in chairs, bring a pillow or lap-blanket if it helps you feel more comfortable.
What to Wear:
- Please dress comfortably.
- I suggest you wear layers, so you can self-regulate, as you relax.
- You are welcome to wear your shoes in meditation, or just your socks.
Here’s the original Invitation to Workshop Weeks
What’s this Active Meditation you speak of?