How can we KISS: Keep it Simple & Start?
I never saw myself as an ARTIST – I am not at all a natural Painter or Poet or…
And, I’ve been surprised in my Spiritual Journey to have found WILD Creativity which spills out everywhere in my Life & Work.
I am dipping into Creativity – Every Day.
I Create new things in the world – all the time.
I Collaborate with others in creative service – on a regular basis.
Most importantly, MY LIFE IS MY GREATEST ART
– and it’s iterating all the time.
You have your own Life, Creations & Choices
– of what you CHOOSE: to Create, to Become, your life to BE.
I thought I would share a bit about what serves me,
maybe add some focus to your intentions.
My habit throughout adulthood is to start my new Winter Project/ Creations
– not on Jan 1st – rather I get a running start:
beginning about Solstice, or maybe around Christmas, as a Present to myself.
This way, I sneak-up on Change,
and have gained Real Momentum by the time the new calendar year begins.
I thought I might encourage you to Get Going Now – if you please –
on REALizing your most Sacred Dreams.
Got New Year’s Resolutions?
HOPES & DREAMS of Who to BE, what to DO, your IMPACT to make?
Do you Really Choose to Invite NEW, this new year?
IF SO: There’s much to do, right? How to Begin? Keep Going?
If you please, Consider:
KISS: Keep it Simple & Start:
4 useful components of Conscious Creation & Creative Change
1) Begin NOW, right now
with ONE focus
& make it easy: aim Beyond the Board
– not tomorrow, not New Year’s Day, not next Monday –
TODAY, the only day we have.
– When the EYE is SINGLE, the body is Full of LIGHT.
– Be ONE with the Target
– aim Beyond the Board
– don’t shoot for what you want, aim deeper, bigger
– Let yourself OWN a BIG GAME, in which your smaller needs and desires are naturally met.
I do mean Now: as you read, take a few notes and then Begin,
even if its only one small step, leverage this bit of Inspiration and START
these 3 below, and let them naturally Grow, as you hoe each row EVERY DAY:
2) Create from the INside-OUT
Perceive your Deep Desire & what is Truly Possible;
from here Choose & Act – first within, flowering into your body, life, world.
RING your Bell. SING your Song. DANCE your Dance.
Taste your VISION, let it Fire your DESIRE: so it can get you going!
And keep you going, when the going gets Rough – because it will.
EXERCISE your Soul Muscle, Endurance, Flexibility, Balance…
– Develop your Attention, Intention, Focus…
– Free your Power & Will.
– Unveil your Agency, Authority from within.
What Daily PRACTICEs do you need to get there?
What can you prioritize: to BE who you choose, and DO as you choose?
(exercise? play? meditate? communicate? create art? file the pile?)
Create a Simple way to track a few defined practices you will do each day
(spreadsheet, calendar, checklist on refrigerator… to focus & be accountable)
Let this Structure CARRY you forward, one day at a time
– slow and steady wins the race –
4) Create SUPPORT
Collect your friends or find others
who share your Values, Goals, Hopes, Dreams.
in-person, online, on zoom – in 2’s in 10’s, whatever:
– Find a way to inspire encourage each other in each person’s purpose
– Find a way to PLAY together and get the work done
Learn from your peers and from experts
Teach your peers and as an expert
Be the Change you want to see, be a Model for others
When we Enroll others to play a Big Game, we are constantly Enrolled
Inspired by this conversation? JOIN us for a SPECIAL Addition Workshop:
Conscious Creation &
Creative Change:
KISS: Keep It Simple & Start
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