LEARN more & Sign-up for our October FOCUS: Soul Integrity
Ready to BREAKTHROUGH for More?
* ALIGN with the TRUTH in Your Soul
LIVE Experiencing that you are Spiritually Whole & Complete
-> instead of broken, shameful, inadequate, unworthy…
* SAVOR your Spiritual Connection
LIVE Aligned with your Spiritual: Self AND Way, Life, Love, Light, Truth…
-> instead of wiggle-wake, lost, unmoored, ungrounded, unconnected…
* DANCE a LIFE that Makes SENSE
OWN the Way you LIVE: Aligned & Congruent, Coherent & Valid for You.
-> instead of inconsistent, unclear, fragile, conflicted, unsatisfactory…
– Agreement, Harmony, Compatibility, Alliance –
with your: SOURCE: Spirit, Life, Love, TRUTH, unique Journey.
– with your SELF: Consistency & unified Wholeness –
in your TRUTH: between all you perceive, believe, choose, say, and do.
– On-Target & Acceptable AND Recognized & Affirmed to be Valid & Worthwhile –
with SPIRITUAL TRUTH, perspective: BEing with What IS:
You and ALL are: whole & complete, sound & uncorrupted, well & shall be well.
the pervasive energy (becomes feeling & story) of INvalidation:
is often experienced as Shame and:

..Enjoy a Taste of Soul INTEGRITY
We Practice a different way of BEing & enjoy/ share the Fruit.
Come Learn HOW!
Shift your experience of yourself & your world.
October PLAYshops w/ Wendy R Wolf & Friends:
Every Thurz: 1 hour starting 5:30 Pacific; 8:30 Eastern
First time, come as our Guest: LEARN more & Sign-up
– Oct 7: Live Your TRUTH: OWN Soul INTEGRITY
ACTIVE Meditation and Healing & Conscious Creativity CIRCLE
Group work w/ Individual energy tune-up & coaching.
– Oct 14: OWNing Your Empowered Life with The Red Dragon:
Soul INTEGRITY & Releasing the energy of LIES and ACCUSATION:
Raising your Vibration with an Ascended Master and ACTIVE Meditation
– Oct 21: OWNing Your Dance: BLOSSOMing in Soul INTEGRITY
-> Want to enjoy Harmony? -> Practice ALIGNMENT.
-> Want to enjoy Wholeness? -> Practice COHERENCE.
-> Want to enjoy ‘BEing with What IS’? -> Practice VALIDATION.
BEing IN Soul INTEGRITY Brings Focused LEVERAGE:
Accelerates the Blossoming of your Soul.
– Oct 28: Can you Own Your TRUTH *AND* Deepen in LOVE? *** YES with “Soul INTEGRITY”
Craving Authenticity AND Deep Connection? You can LIVE Both:
* Enjoy Connection with All your Relations, IN your Uniqueness.
* Take your masks off and Show up REAL, unmitigated, yourself.
Do you want Soul INTEGRITY enough, to try something NEW?
that have inspired & assisted thousands to shift their lives.
Why not YOU, too?!
We Support & Equip you* To ALIGN on Purpose
-> FOCUS & SHIFT-> from the Inside-out
* To BE the Change:
-> Empower Direct Soul Engagement
-> Overcome, Become, Come to Fruition
Have you Tried Everything to find more Soul Integrity?
Try ACTIVE Meditation!.
WHY try one more thing?
-> Your True BEing, DOing, IMPACT… Matters
HOW is this possible?
-> Soul Technology: Learn Leverage from the inside -out
WHAT can you receive?
-> Inner Tools & a proven Process to support & move you.
-> Be Informed, Understand, Choose & Act from within your Soul,
Beyond your everyday Consciousness, thoughts, beliefs, feelings…
Develop, in the vicissitudes of life:
- a Safe, Solid place within, a Rock on which to stand,
- more Trust-in your Soul Senses, to Perceive Spiritual & Physical reality more Clearly & Confidently, and
- new ways to Leverage you Abilities, within: to Powerfully Choose And Shift: keys within your own soul.
Thursday Evening, ACTIVE Meditation PLAYshops w/ Wendy R Wolf & Friends.
LEARN more & Sign-up for our October FOCUS: Soul Integrity.