Somehow you are still alive, in the face of SO much BS.
But, you don’t want to drag along like this forever:
walking wounded, living dead.
It has been so hard, too damn HARD.
But you are willing give it Another TRY!

You have been working hard to keep your head above water.
Dealing with things like:
– Addiction, Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Suicidal Impulses
– The results of Trauma, Abuse, Victim experiences
– Chronic Illness, Injury, Pain
Feeling things like:
– PAIN, Sadness, Grief, Hopelessness, Broken,
– FEAR, Worry, Incapable, Powerless, Overwhelmed, Frozen, Avoiding
– ANGER, Rage, Resentful, unForgiving, Hate, Distrust
In cycles that trip you, such as:
– FAILURE, Irrelevant, Imposter, Inadequate, Stupid, Self-Doubt, Hiding
– SHAME, Dirty, Ugly, Unlovable, Compelled to perform to be acceptable
– STUCK, Resistance, Exhausted, Dragging, nearly ready to just Check-out

My name is Wendy R Wolf.
I have experienced all of the above.
I know what it’s like to be SURVIVING this Darkness/ Heaviness.
I am dedicated to this transition for you, because
I have made it THROUGH all this crap;
sometimes with nothing more to hold onto than,
‘where there is life, there is hope.’
I have come out the other side, and now I am THRIVING in the Light.
My life is very far from perfect – LOL – very far!
But I am passionate about LIFE.
When you join this group, we will get to know each other better.
I have been, and I want to continue, sharing the jewels that I have found:
– Ways THROUGH this kind of intense Darkness/ Heaviness.
– Faster and easier than it might otherwise be
I have found this journey into LIFE is tough,
it takes something,
it takes a minute 😉
It is not just popping a pill or shifting one habit.
It takes work, dedication, tenacity…
It takes going to the core of what stops us – layer after layer – and OWING back our Life.
Certainly connecting with others who are dealing with similar challenges, helps.
Thus, I am forming groups now – in-person and on-line.
I say, “Life doesn’t have to be This Hard, for This Long.”
Can you consider the possibility that Freedom, Power, Joy – Life – is possible?
Let’s find out, together.
I bring tools, practices, and empowering insights I have found and developed
which I have utilized successfully for myself and with many others.
– to employ powerful leverage out of the quicksand
– to stop sinking, find solid ground, and start dancing

Are you ready to inquire and intend towards LIFE!?
– in your our own way, at your own rate
– IF and AS you choose, each day
STOP spinning down into the Darkness/ Heaviness.
and commit to Finding the Light – here, now, who you are, where you are, with what is…
amidst an unbelievable amount of Death, Destruction, Dismay, Defeat, Disillusion, Distress…
GRAB Life by the balls, and
Determine to be fully, unequivocally, inexorably ALIVE!
PLAY full-out,
MASTER this freaking game of Life, already.

I offer private sessions to Overcome:
the physical, emotional, relational, spiritual issues
that’ve been holding you down:
Deep Healing and Soul Counseling
Contact me, to let me know you might be interested in
a specialized offering for your Group, Event, Retreat…
in Life, Wendy

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