hmm – this is a draft, but it published somehow?
oh well, will I finish it later – or not
I have thought notes sprinkled-through for illustrations that aren’t yet explicated – don’t be surprised if you don’t follow
: )W
In my experience, there is a
Great Divide
between those who Create Wonderful New
easily & quickly
and those that don’t.
(for example – relative to ‘The Secret’)
I’m going to talk about some MAJOR aspects
of where there differences lie,
(utilizing the Metaphor of Climbing Mt Everest
back in the day, when it was a heck of a trek, just to get to the base)
I usually utilize this metaphor,
of where are we Around the Mountain,
and how high are we Up the Mountain,
to assist insight into our unique Soul Journey experience,
dancing with Heaven & Earth
and how this plays-out into our body, life and world.
Of course, today’s Convo is Very Similar,
a large facet of our Singular Soul Journey Convo;
in our Our Particular & Potentially Continuously-Shifting
Capacity for Conscious Creation & Creative Change.
So here we go:
so much boils down to:
A) our Position & Perspective:
WHERE are we on the Mountain? coordinates around the base & altitude on the face
B) our Provisioning & Practices:
A) Position & Perspective:
1) **Where we are AROUND the Mountain
what is the terrain we must cross? what is the view?
it matters where we start
and if wander around or go straight up
- the world around me, as i perceive it,
determines the choices i can perceive, and therefore make - what set-point do I come from,
assumptions, training, experience? - what is my everyday experience of myself and my world?
in my belief-system- am I used-to being a scapegoat or star in family,
- am I raised on farm, or city or indigenous village.
- what is formal and informal education, socialization,
- what is religion, social-economic position, country, time-period
- how enriched with care and information is my childhood
and what are the expectations for success or failure
on and on…
When I saw ‘The Gods Must Be Crazy’ the first time
– I laughed so hard, it was difficult to stay in my movie seat!Ok, I LOVE Physical Comedy AND it was so insightful
– the move is About the Contrast/ Clash of culture
and how we really do Grok the world differently (IMOe ymmv)– society, culture, conflict, values, people, animals, environment, power, wealth…
understood very differently(AND to be clear, I had no concept at the time
the film is a snapshot of apartheid South Africa in the early 1980s, and a kind of propaganda
it ignores the plight of the Homelands
and shows the San of the Kalahari Desert as healthy – but for a decade at that point had a high death rate due to terrible living conditions and even depression
– not funny)
2) ** Where we are up the mountain: ALTITUDE
it matters how high we climb,
what our resources are? what is the view?
- it is said
“Theologians may quarrel,
but the mystics of the world speak the same language”
— Meister Eckhart- it is a matter of Perspective, Consciousness
- it is a matter of Perspective, Consciousness
- where am I in my soul healing & development? ie
- am I stuck in victim energy & consciousness
and/or learning to live in agency
- am I stuck in victim energy & consciousness
- where am I in development of soul consciousness? ie
- trying to learn the be rational,
- to have or manage spiritual info,
- working my body communication, relationship and care
- stuck in a dark night
- Naturally being at Cause
– where the muscles moving from in-side out are bigger and what stops us within
– the friction experienced inside and out – is less - truly knowing our Oneness with the Universe,
with ego finally getting out of the way as identity,
and identity as spirit as default) - For Example – the work of Ken Wilber
I like Jim Marion version – Putting on the Mind of Christ
SO that’s some examples about
our Position & Perspective:
AND so on to:
our Provisioning & Practices:
B) our Provisioning & Practices:
1) Provisioning: HOW are we Equipped???
- who we are BEing
and CAN therefore DO? - what are we carrying?
- what stuff that holds down and the stuff that pulls forward?
- Validation or Invalidation,
- love or hate,
- inner tools and perspectives and discernemnt
to make it easier or weights that make it harder
2) Practices: HOW are we TRAINED?
- what are our PRACTiCES???
- Are we developing a vector & momentum that is useful?
- Gaining Potential Energy we can utilize toward our goals? (springs and top of hill)
- Am I developing within?
- Soul Strength,
Endurance, Balance, Flexibility? - Discernment
- Diligence – ie to enter into REST
- Discipline in my journey, ie not
- Bill Bryson – ‘A Walk in the Woods: Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail’ – throwing coffee filters
- Meatloaf – ‘‘Paradise by the Dashboard Light’
- “the fever came upon like a tidal wave”
- this shit can fuck up your whole life! Choose Intentionally.
- and it helps to know – speaking of Karma – momentum and agreements seen through this convo – we CAN SHIFT AGREEMENTS!!!
- Soul Strength,
we’ve got
Perspective **Where we are on the Mountain???
HOW are we Equipped??? and what are our PRACTiCES???
Bottom Line
– MUCH of our Manifestation IS
arm-wresting ourselves
and if we aren’t moving in the direction of our desires
imoe the place to look, to clean-out, to handle is the
C.G. Jung —
‘Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.’
(where is the momentum? resistance?
trying to fix and change outside ourselves or the past?
trying to avoid what IS?
trying to control what is coming or outside ourselves
trying to Create THROUGH someone else?
a big part of what serves us in a direction we Choose is
as usual utilize it as a Blessing and a Practice – and life changes
IMOE Pink thins and clears Black
NONE of this is handled in ‘The Secret’ kind of stuff
those that can have, have
and those that can not have, don’t
that will not change, until we do
we shift the game and do what can’t be done – turn the titanic
I’d appreciate your feedback,
as I am playing with ideas for an upcoming show convo in our 3rd season of Mystic revolution,
which is focused on Conscious Creation & Creative Change
: ) W
RELATED: – William Hutchinson Murray (18 March 1913 – 19 March 1996) was a mountain climber and Scottish author
Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness.