• Can you enjoy your life?
  • Can you be blessed by – but not overwhelmed by – your own and other’s feelings?
  • Can you make mature choices, informed by – but not bullied by – your own and others feelings?
  • Can you interrupt the ‘loop’ when disturbing feelings dominate, and take the helm of your experience?
  • Can you overcome habits of taking-on other’s challenges instead of facing your own?
  • Can you choose to heal and shift; stop allowing your energy to be taken and your life overrun?
  • Can you be served-by a growing ability to create balanced, healthy relationship with yourself, others, and all the aspects of your own unique body-mind-soul?

Let’s learn to do better, together 

This is often the Empath Experience
it doesn’t have to be!

It’s better for everyone as we learn to live as Empowered Empaths!

If Mastering your relationship with Feelings,
and Empowered to BE you, DO you
– what only you can do – is

  • something you want for yourself,
  • been working toward,
  • would like some assistance with…

Come Play!
– be supported with a solid place to stand within
– be equipped with inner tools to help you experience, choose, shift 
– be inspired by community who also wants to learn & share- on Zoom.
Have fun learning a whole new way to
Relate to your Body & to your Life 
Come Invite Healing & Transformation… into your life – from the Inside-Out.

  • Be Supported with a solid place to stand, within, in ACTIVE Meditation
  • Be Equipped with inner tools to help you experience, choose, shift…
  • Be Comfortable: Sit in chairs: share, learn, go deep within, with conscious creativity

Train & Practice as an Empowered Empath

Be in touch, I offer Private Training &/or Group Practice

FYI – Most of the folks I work-with are recovering Empaths – I sure am!

ALL the Training & Practice that we offer is FOR
and Assists our Healing & Development AS
Empowered Empaths.

Let me know when we play together, that this is your priority.
I will help you understand HOW to take the Reins of your Energy System
and to begin SHIFTING as an Empowered Empath, utilizing Soul TECH.

Would you like to keep reading?
Over the years, I have written a few Empowered Empath Blogs

Wendy R Wolf, a Professional Healer & Transformation Facilitator since 2005,
sharing Soul TECH: her system of Potent mind, body, soul:
tools & practices, to equip and empower your momentum where you need it:
in your unique Soul Journey, IMPACTing your spiritual, personal, professional… world

Be in touch with Wendy