There’s a lot going on the next couple months, please see CALENDAR
A Port in the Storm in these Intense Times:
Drop-in when you can; Savor and be blessed
Come as my Guest, for a Taste of Graceful Soul Practice
– donations accepted, if you please
at the beginning of any of these times, FYI:
- w/ Jeff is sitting together in SILENCE
- w/ Wendy includes at least some
* ACTIVE Meditation: Guided Mediation attuned to the group:
Sacred Imagination & Soul Illumination.
for graceful transitions, please plan to come & go at least 5 min before/ after

Mondays 7-8pm w/ Wendy JOIN NOW
Graceful Soul GYM – Learn & PRACTICE, Together
March is 6th month of On PURPOSE: Standing FOR the Life we Choose
– in March & April our focus finale is ‘Soul Equality’

(I couldn’t help myself – LOL – If you loved ‘Malcom in the Middle’, too; Here’s the song and clips ; )
3 Extra Soul GYM: Special Editions
given these Challenging times and coinciding with LENT:

Thursdays 7 – 8pm (6 March – 17 April) w/ Jeff JOIN NOW
THRIVE in Tough Times! Shared Silence & Supportive Sharing

Fridays 7-8pm (Drop-in any dates: 7 March – 18 April) w/ Wendy JOIN NOW
Light in the Darkness, Beyond Belief – no matter who you are or where you’re from
Make a True Difference in this Crazy World: ACTIVE Prayer & Meditation CIRCLE

Saturdays 11am-noon (8 March – 19 April) w/ Wendy JOIN NOW
‘Overcoming Overwhelm‘ INTENSIVE
(donation required (or BETTER, Join Soul GYM!! : )
* FYI – About ACTIVE Meditation:
In which we learn and apply inner tools & perspectives – in our soul,
not merely physical saying, doing, thoughts, feelings…
Purposely sinking below everyday consciousness,
to Perceive, Choose & Act – from INside OUT.
Powerfully transforming our experience of Heaven & Earth,
our connection, communication, collaboration w/ ALL our Relations.
Dancing w/the Divine and Each Player – inside and outside ourself
There’s a lot going on the next couple months, please see CALENDAR
More in MARCH Newsletter
COMING SOON! Official Invite April 1st:
May – November
7 month: Healing, Learning, Transformation Circle
Focused on being Well – Secure & Centered – inside ourselves and with our dance of heaven & earth – so we Can more comfortably navigate our tumultuous lives and world
Which includes: FOUNDATIONS of our Soul Fulfilling & Fruiting Spiritual Practice:
Basics of
– ACTIVE Meditation & Transformation of ourselves & our Experience of ALL our Relations, from Inside-OUT
– Healthy, Empowered Healing & Expansive Creativity. Making our Difference while helping – Not Harming – ourselves
100+ inner tools & distinctions to help us perceive, choose & act, from below everyday consciousness
I have the VISION, I am working on sharing it – the communication is not baked yet
Learn more & Let me know if you are interested.
There’s a lot going on the next couple months, please see CALENDAR