Kirkland – Monday, September 25, 2017

Say Hello to Mother Mary
– Clear your own and other’s opinions; spiritually get to know Mary more deeply, in present time, for yourself – as a friend, a guide, a model.
– Learn from Mary spiritually: to REST and organically SHIFT into more Harmony with God, and who we are IN God.
– Let Mary spiritually show us how to more easily Let Go, Let God, and BE with what IS:
*** Experience the Reality of the Wholeness that we Are in God (which is a deep healing for us).
*** Invite blessings/gifts/fruit such as: Truth/Validation, Trust, Gratefulness, Forgiveness, Acceptance, Faith, True Certainty.
Ascended Masters have learned how to BE spirit in body… they have Mastered the earth-game.
Let’s get-together, learn from an amazing Female Master: Mother Mary
We will start at 7pm and end at 8:30.
Doors open at 6:30 and close at 9pm. Please plan to come early and stay late to enjoy connection, have a nosh, and some folks will receive an aura healing if they would like – before or after the meditation workshop.
Bring a snack to share if it is easy and fun for you.
Requested donation $30 ($20-$40 sliding scale)
Let us know you are coming, here; and if you would like, connect with this Event on Facebook.
see you soon! Wendy
See more about Mother Mary & Ascended Masters:
– Who are these Ascended Masters (, and how can they Accelerate my spiritual growth?
– How does working with them help me ( be inspired to new heights, new connections, new ways of being in the world?
– Learn more about Mary (!
See more about What to Expect in Evening Workshops (