Empowerment, Healthy Boundaries,
and Space for your Soul to Dance with Love
(ready to Register?)
Thursday, February(02) 20, 2020
Workshop 6:30-8:30pm; Doors open 6 – 9pm.
Charlotte – Receive address when you Register.
This workshop is Open to All
In this workshop we will be tuning into:
- Structures and support, personal power and free will
to Let Go, experience Oneness – within yourself and in your world. - Embracing the beauty and gift of an *I* / *THOU* relationship – honoring your own and their own unique selves,
with space to dance the Love between you.
We will be exploring ways to:
- Find our true soul Power, and bringing back our lost or broken Free-Will.
- Deeply serve ourselves, our world, and Spirit; by finding our own edge, and holding our own Boundaries.
- ‘Being ME, Loving YOU’ – releasing codependent patterns, and finding space for individuation, while in relationship.

Celebrate Valentine’s Day in a whole New Way:
BEing the Love you Want Workshop Weeks!
Have fun learning new ways to
Invite Love, Connection, Intimacy, Belonging…
Into your life – from the Inside-Out, with Active Meditation.
Valentine’s Week 2020: 7 days, 7 ways, to participate!
Offerings in Raleigh, Cary, Charlotte, and Online/Phone.
Choose one that resonates with you, and come play!
Invitation ~~~ Schedule ~~~ Registration
Questions? Contact Wendy
This Workshop is our Only one in Charlotte – please come!
Welcome to the BEing the Love You Want! Workshop Weeks
This is one of 7 Workshops available for you.
PLUS: Participate in ONE, receive SEVEN (see Bonus info)

Just after I posted this pic,
a FB friend brought my attention to 3+ minute video I posted last spring.
My share is about Boundaries,
and how I see the positive relationship between heart and power, empathy and boundaries.
I refer to this quote by Brene Brown.
(ready to Register?)