Can you believe that ‘Having FUN’ can actually help you in Spiritual Communion? Personal Harmony? Vocational Vision?

‘Having Fun’ can mean many things—some harmful, some helpful.
Therefore, exercising spiritual discernment is crucial.
However, in general, I find that savoring life
—in our body and in this world— benefits us in many profound ways.

Since the beginning of last year,
I’ve been clear that one of the central themes of my life story
is that I have found what I’m looking for.

The need expressed so poignantly by U2 in their song
‘I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For’
is fulfilled deep within me, cascading through my body and life.
This is a significant blessing and worthy of note
in this conversation about savoring life, but it’s not the main point here.

There is a wide range of body and soul experiences that ‘Having FUN’ and being fulfilled can refer to, and I recommend them all to you. But in this conversation, I refer to something more specific that can significantly help us:
our August Focus in Soul GYM.

In Teleios TECH, everything we do is Exercising our Sacred Blessings
(i.e. Building Soul Strength, Endurance, Balance, Flexibility, etc)
and includes walking with the left foot and the right foot:

This month, we’ll explore two Foci that (I experience as)
sharing the same spiritual resonance, but taste different:
Havingness and Amusement.

1) Spiritual Havingness: helps us allow Sacred Goodness & Gifts into our lives.
It enables us to ask for & receive what we need & desire,
to enjoy being our true selves & doing our true thing.
It’s about consenting to experience the gift,
opening the door & embracing the goodies we’ve ordered;
or even: sent as a care-package, a gift we didn’t even think to order!

This Requires what we call (Soul) Havingness:
– an Ability to ASK and a Willingness RECEIVE
– Soul Muscle, Allowing, Collaborating with Spirit

Jesus (whose quote this is) was very soul mature,
accomplished around Havingness.  Others of us, not so much.

It is Possible to Build this Soul Muscle,
to Clear the (conscious and less-conscious)
Pathway of what lies in the way of our Intentions/ Prayers.

⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑

If you please, see Video of Lambs gamboling in the Springtime!

2) Spiritual Amusement: helps us access Sacred Playfulness, Pleasure, Fun, Light-heartedness… A young lamb experiencing the connection & beauty of the world, for the first time—that’s the kind of Soul Delight we’re talking about.  Regardless of circumstances, this delight can have a profound effect on our soul, realizing our freedom.

In my first year of College, I wrote a song. It was a love letter from Jesus to us.
(felt inspired at the time ; ) The last line of chorus “Remember to have Fun”

This is a (slightly different version) Girl Scout Song, I still sing rather often:
Have fun our motto is, Have fun or you will miss, A life of happiness,
While you’re young, remember have fun
(Except now I sing it “When you’re old, remember have fun.” : )


Snoop Dogg: Having FUN at the Olympics video if you please

These two Blessings, which I call ‘Having FUN,’ can do wonders for our soul and, consequently, our life and world.
On the physical plane, life can be hard, heavy, and dark for many of us, filled with fear and strife.
But what if you could:

  • Be who you are, do what is real for you, and make your unique impact
    (a difference only you can make, that genuinely matters in your world).
  • Stand for what matters most to you, aligned with your Source.

You can do this from a place of solidity and flow within — ‘Having FUN’,
integrating, and overflowing the Sacred Blessings of Heaven on Earth.

I have found that ‘Having FUN’ can help us in
spiritual communion, personal harmony, and vocational vision.

I hope you feel inspired by this conversation.
If you’d like to delve deeper, receiving resources, insights, and exercises
to enjoy the fruit of ‘Having FUN,’ please join us.

Come play in Community—in The Soul Gym.
And/or schedule a private session with me.

To make more sense of this convo, I explicated in this post:
A Principal aspect of our Practice:
Receiving & Integrating Blessings with Teleios TECH

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