Meditation with Susana DuMett & Wendy R Wolf:
JOIN Mystic rEvolution Meditation ZOOM LINK
Tuesday, Nov 1, 4:30 pm PST, 5:30 MTN, 7:30 EST
If you could Savor a Soul Song of Gratefulness, regardless of circumstances:
– Could your life be more Savory?
– Might your Experience of Life Shift?
– How Energized might you be to Tend-to your Self, your People, your World?
– Could your life be more Savory?
– Might your Experience of Life Shift?
– How Energized might you be to Tend-to your Self, your People, your World?
Join us for a healing & inspiring meditation to equip you to:
– Resource what you need, from within
– Call-in a greater sense of BEing with What IS in your Soul, Body, Life & World
– Own yourself, Body & Soul; Master your Energy
– Resource what you need, from within
– Call-in a greater sense of BEing with What IS in your Soul, Body, Life & World
– Own yourself, Body & Soul; Master your Energy
Come enjoy a Taste:
Mystic rEvolution Meditation with Susana DuMett & Wendy R Wolf:
Grooving in GRATEFULness: Delighting in ‘what IS’
Mystic rEvolution Meditation with Susana DuMett & Wendy R Wolf:
Grooving in GRATEFULness: Delighting in ‘what IS’
See you Soon!
Wendy & Susan
Wendy & Susan

Welcome to Mystic rEvolution Meditation:
Come enjoy Exciting Exploration & the Results we Enjoy, together.
Come enjoy Exciting Exploration & the Results we Enjoy, together.
Details you need:
- PLAN: ONE hour – be on Zoom 5-10 minutes before & after stated time.
- NEW to this practice?
– you must be present when we begin. - Please prepare to be Engaged: your Video on; your Audio on when you are speaking, and off when you are not.
You will sit quietly in your chair for most of the hour, for a Learning, Growing, Deepening, Playful Mystic Meditation.
You will be invited to briefly share your experience/ ask questions at beginning and end, IF you please.
This Special Event with Susana DuMett & Wendy R Wolf:
Is to Celebrate our NEW Webcast: The Mystic rEvolution
Meditations Monthly First Tuesday – 4:30 pm PST, 5:30 MTN, 7:30 EST
Will be FREE for ALL through the end of the year.Mark your Calendars
Is to Celebrate our NEW Webcast: The Mystic rEvolution
Meditations Monthly First Tuesday – 4:30 pm PST, 5:30 MTN, 7:30 EST
Will be FREE for ALL through the end of the year.Mark your Calendars
- July 1st – Soul FREEdom! Soothe your Nervous System & Open your Heart
- August 2nd – Forgoing FEAR: Living in Safety, Comfort & Ease
- September 6th – OWNing Your Lane: Alignment, Focus & Purpose
- October 4th – LETTING GO: Conscious Change, Comfortable Transitions
- November 1st- Grooving in GRATEFULness: Delighting in what IS
- December 6th- Hello HOPE: savoring LIGHT, even in the Darkness
- January 3rd- INSPIRED: Choosing from Clear; Starting from Fresh, Now

So Please come as Our GUEST to help us Celebrate
Enjoy a Taste of Mystic FOUNDATIONS:
So Please come as Our GUEST to help us Celebrate
Enjoy a Taste of Mystic FOUNDATIONS:
Learn a few Soul Tools & Practices to assist you to Safely
Open, Explore & Shift: below everyday consciousness
– Validate your Soul Senses & Abilities
– Validate your Soul Senses & Abilities
– Rest in a Secure, Solid Place to Stand within
– Leverage from inside-out, to Perceive, Choose & Act
– Leverage from inside-out, to Perceive, Choose & Act

The Mystic rEvolution
In this Webcast, Susana & Wendy will explore:
– What does it mean to be a mystic?
– How can embracing our mysticism
help us individually and collectively in these changing times?
The Mystic rEvolution
In this Webcast, Susana & Wendy will explore:
– What does it mean to be a mystic?
– How can embracing our mysticism
help us individually and collectively in these changing times?
Join The Mystic Revolution with Wendy and Susana
as we talk about opening to the power of our soul senses,
learning to master our energy, and
why the integration of mysticism & science is not only useful,
but the next frontier.
See our growing list of shows at FB Page or YouTube (Subscribe ; )
New Webcasts Premier Every Monday at noonStay in the LOOP:
JOIN our NEW Facebook Group
JOIN our NEW Newsletter (see our Fledgling Website : )Check out a shorter or longer video invite to the Show!
(and SUBSCRIBE on YouTube)
as we talk about opening to the power of our soul senses,
learning to master our energy, and
why the integration of mysticism & science is not only useful,
but the next frontier.
See our growing list of shows at FB Page or YouTube (Subscribe ; )
New Webcasts Premier Every Monday at noonStay in the LOOP:
JOIN our NEW Facebook Group
JOIN our NEW Newsletter (see our Fledgling Website : )Check out a shorter or longer video invite to the Show!
(and SUBSCRIBE on YouTube)