(This post goes along with the one above – press link here)

The experience of Soul freedom and joy are a real and actual possibility for each of us,
available whenever and wherever we choose to realize/ manifest/ co-create them.
Just like our physical senses and abilities,
We are so generously gifted with soul senses, to enjoy and to help us find our way;
as well as soul abilities to serve soul evolution, to serve others, to serve ourselves.
They are NOT meant to make us suffer!
These abilities are our Superpowers!!
But somehow have turned against us!!!
If your soul senses and abilities are causing you distress…
It comes down to this, pretty much:
- If the radio is too loud, turn it down, and then go on with your life…
- If you don’t know how to turn the radio down – FIND OUT!
- Once you read this, you can’t unread it.
Now that you have read this, I hope you never again tell yourself: - I just have to live with this radio screaming in my ear, I have no choice, it is just my ‘cross to bear’… because it is NOT!
- Having a radio is a beautiful gift of music and communication, education and entertainment… being able to turn it down, up, off, on, change the channel, even… that is just basic operating instructions!
Many suffer, and it really sucks.
I know this with my life.
I lived in overwhelm, depression and chronic physical illness for decades,
in large part because I was too empathically open
and I took on way too much disturbance and emotion from others.
BUT, from the time I started learning inner tools, over a dozen years ago,
all this started to turn around.
I am free (and enjoying!) in a way I never imagined I could be
… and you can too!
I work with people every day in soul development,
and ONE of the many things we learn to handle, within ourselves,
is managing empathic info and energy.
It is straightforward to learn and practice, for most people.
Everyone I have worked with,
who chooses to shift their experience and shift their life,
has done so:
- With training of one evening, many can shift.
- Others take a few weeks to a few months, some longer…
because of the layers of choices and habits in their system that hold their old way of over-responsibility, victim and overwhelm in place.
- For many of us, there are parts of our system that don’t want to be free, joyful, powerful, and in the drivers seat of our lives – this must be addressed and shifted.
- There is great value in receiving soul training,
rather than suffering through decades
of trying to figure out the ‘ropes’ by oneself, or the blind leading the blind.
Together, let’s stop the tremendous suffering going on about this,
when it is so incredibly unnecessary.
I encourage you to be UN-stoppable in your quest,
until you find the tools and ability you need to shift,
and begin savoring your life!
When we allow ourselves to let go of heaviness and darkness,
and allow ourselves to be Light and Life in our world.
Empaths: Let’s Be Free!