9 Months of Soul GYM: Shifting with ALL our Relations, from INside-OUT
(Summer) Sacred LOVE not BLAME, (Winter) Sacred TRUTH not SHAME
Come for a TASTE as my Guest REGISTER (or use your zoom link)
How: this happens in you; you experience this with others; you deal with it.
What you: be, do, think, feel, have experienced, want to shift…
– Exercise your Voice, share your own POV. (You are welome to share or not)
– Exercise your Ears, listen to other Mystics and Creatives
folks who are very likely to be interesting, and misunderstood.
Summer topic: BLAME Busting
Let’s Respectfully, Honestly DISCUSS: 3 times this Summer,
informed by our focus this month AND:

July 29th, 7pm eastern
When we don’t understand each other,
Humans are thrown to think The OTHER is Stupid, Crazy &/or Evil
FIND SOME RELIEF. Let’s do some BLAME-Busting. Come participate in this Respectful, Honest DISCUSSION.
Come hang-out for an hour on zoom: Share your unique Perspective, as you choose (or not), as deeply as you choose to share (or not).
Can(‘t) make this one?
More beneficial chats coming
(and accessible, practices to soothe, nurture, strengthen your Soul, if you please).
See here for info & links
AND Register for ZOOM link
(whether you can come or not, I will keep you gently in the loop)
August 31st, 11am (eastern time USA)
We will be informed by this Facebook post,
which points to some interesting aspects of
(this person’s perspective of) BLAME
I am putting words here for your convenience:

and we pay the Hefty price!

September 30th, 7pm (eastern time USA)
A book that brings up many issues that juice our focus this Semester:
Leadership and Self-Deception – I recommend the most recent edition you can find.
The book’s central insight –that the key to leadership lies not in what we do but in who we are–has proven to have powerful implications not only for organizational leadership but in readers’ personal lives as well.
You are welcome participate whether you read the book or not,
sharing relative to Practice themes.
Meanwhile, it may serve you to read or listen;
whether you come to DISCUSSION or not.
Perhaps let it stimulate your contemplation
and inform your inner & outer Practice.
if you please:
Summary and Key Takeaways
Free Sample Chapters
Audible – If you’re not a member, they offer 1 & 3 month, free.
- 2nd edition (4.5 hours) This is what I read first.
If you are an Audible member, I believe you can hear FREE.
, - 3rd edition (6 hours) is on sale for under $10.
(I got audio from my Library and I recently read: IT IS BETTER)
I Recommend this one – but read or listen to whichever one you want
, - 4th edition is apparently came out 26th August – hard-copy
I checked with the company – Audio not rolling out until end of year.
(I expect it will be even BETTER ; )
9 Months of Soul GYM: Shifting with ALL our Relations, from INside-OUT
(Summer) Sacred LOVE not BLAME, (Winter) Sacred TRUTH not SHAME
Come for a TASTE as my Guest REGISTER (or use your zoom link)