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Besotted with the Beloved?
Desiring to ever-Deepen in the Divine?
Gratified to Matter & find Meaning in the Great Mystery?
Hungry for more Direct Spiritual Experience, Connection, Collaboration?
Relate to any?
Ready for REAL?
Come PLAY with us!

You Belong, regardless of your Background, Beliefs, Baggage, Behavior…
IN Unity – experiencing Oneness IN the ALL and with each other:
Ever-Deepening in your Unique Dance with Heaven & Earth,
Sharing wisdom & encouragement in community.

starting December 2023
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1) Devotion with the Beloved
Experiencing Bliss, Beauty, Oneness.
Worshiping in Spirit & Truth…
2) Fellowship
Connecting with others who Desire to Dive Deep!
Aligned with their SOURCE,
although they may be very different from you, you will have much in common.
WHO is invited?
Are you Wild about the Holy One!
Do you Desire to
BE & DO ‘Dancing with the Divine’ ever-more Deeply?
REALize this in your own Soul and from there in your world?
Whether you experience this daily;
or you never have, but Soul Hunger & Thirst to do so.
Please Come as you Are,
Regardless of who you are or where you have been.

Can’t hurt to Investigate! Sign up, Come Play
Come play in Community (wherever you Live!)
- Learn together,
- Share wisdom and experience,
- Support and encourage each other, and
- Spread this wonderful infection, of:
– Devotion to the Divine,
– Ever-Deeper Opening:
*** to your Unique, Direct Soul Experience
*** of the Presence, Communication, Nurturing of the Living God
– Finding Fulfillment in Divine Embrace:
*** Sensing Spirit Communication, Communion… within Your Soul
*** Engaging Your Unique Sacred Journey
in lIfe,
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PS – want to talk about some Tough words, that some of us TRIP-over
Why do we use the GOD word? Or should we not?
ARGH! Either way, folks are left behind!
God can be an uncomfortable word & topic for some of us.
It seems like a simple English word,
but for many of us, it packs a punch of some serious energy!
I want to be Clear
– Its not about the word or the associated stories and paradigms
– It IS about your Experience, in your own Soul
What words and metaphors do you prefer
when speaking of the Unnameable One?
Do you mean:
– Transcendent, Imminent, both, neither?
– Separate, Containing, One-with Creation?
– All, some, none of this:
- the ONE, Divine, Supreme Being, All-That-IS, Ground of All Being, Holy One, Presence, Tao, Way, Love, Light, Life, Truth, Beauty, Glory…
- your unique relationship – with the God/ Goddess of your heart;
- your spiritual perception/ relationship-with your Beloved, Source, Abba, Lord, Holy Spirit, Creator, Allah, HaShem, Great Spirit…
What does θ ‘God’
look-like, feel-like, taste-like, move-like, experience-as in YOUR own Soul
to Translate other’s words into your own paradigms and language,
mean to find a common ground?
If so, I hope you come play with us, give & receive in Spiritual Communion.
2) Using the Mystic-word – draws some and repels other!
Please understand this page defines (more than once) what I mean by Mystic.
One does not have to like or relate-to the Mystic-word to belong in our Community and Play together – many don’t actually.
It’s just a word, if you don’t like it, that’s great – I am happy hear from you about worlds you prefer.
And I have heard plenty about the programming and harm folks have received about the mystic word and paradigms.
Meanwhile, I have to use words to communicate,
so please be in communication if the INTENTION here draws you.
I was called to support & inspire Everyday Modern Mystics & our Mystic Culture in August 2017,
and I wrote this Manifesto in November
started the first (of many) Mystic Groups on Facebook, on Christmas
I appreciate your feedback, interest, participation,,, whatever your leading.
Engage with our Current Intro Offerings
One example of what we have done in the past
Dancing with the Divine
If you please:
We offer, for folks who
Desire a Deeper, more REALized Spiritual Connection
Beyond structures, offerings, expectations of
Church OR Religion OR the plethora of Spiritual offering available
An inner Practice
– playing in soul, below everyday consciousness,
in an accessible form of inner creativity
– learning & deepening utilizing useful Soul Tools & Distinctions,
privately or in a group setting
An inner Practice of Turning, Transforming from Inside, OUT
… engaging in the grist of where spirit & body meet:
– letting go & being FREE
– letting in experience of blessings & connection
– perceiving what is and what can be
– choosing and acting
An inner Practice of experientially Dancing with the Divine
– connecting with the heaven & earth,
ensconced in Spiritual and Everyday Reality
– Aligning with your Source and walking your narrow Way
Living Love, Truth, Life, Light, Beauty, Glory…
An inner Practice we call ACTIVE Meditation
– YES it can be done anytime, anywhere, in any position.
and requires
– NO particular beliefs.
– NO background in meditation or contemplation.
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Dance with the Divine – Beyond Belief
You don’t have to
BELIEVE or BEHAVE in any certain way
to BELONG in our Practice Community.
Actually, we prefer that you BE & DO it YOUR Way!
Consciously Align with Your SOURCE:
- Walk in LIGHT, as LOVE, on your singular WAY, fulfilling your LIFE.
- With like-hearted people.
- Without all the Judgment, Control, Drama, Dogma, Mythology, Ethics…
Savor Connection, Oneness experience
– With your need for ‘Worship’ & ‘Fellowship’ met
– Without all the Hassle
Come Play with us & Practice Spiritual Communion:
– with the ONE and with each one
– without having to navigate so many Shoulds & Oughts
Belonging in the One and with each one;
Without having to Believe or Behave in any certain Way.
– in your Beloved
– with your beloveds
– without having to jump through so many Hoops
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