Start Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Ballard or Online
Receive a taste of this practice – before you start – for only $35 – see Change your Soul Agreements, Change your Life! (Practical Soul Tools Workshop) (https://www.meetup.com/Seattle-Spiritual-Community/)
Know someone who is Ready, and willing to be Equipped and Empowered to Shift their lives – from the Inside-out: Please Share!
Tuesday, September 27th
is the first evening of our next class series: BE the Captain of your Life: Practical Soul Tools for Spiritual Warriors
with a Special Focus on Dancing with The Four Agreements:
This next class series will be:
– Comfortable & Challenging… Playful & Useful… Powerful & Ease-full… Non-judgmental & Life-changing
– Internally Active Meditation in chairs
***not boring 😉
***Great for folks who have trouble sitting or focusing 😉
If you are ready to begin a new phase
in the hero’s journey of your soul…
In this series, together we will:
– Learn & practice dozens of Empowering inner tools and distinctions.
– Share, Meditate, and be Inspired to shift our lives – from the inside-out.
– Enjoy, play, have a lot of fun along the way! Sometimes there will be a few tears, and challenges as well. We will be real, and this is real life: messy & beautiful ; )
Is this Class Series a good fit for you, right now? (http://soultechwendyrwolf.blogspot.com/2016/09/be-captain-of-your-life-practical-soul.html)Find out more, and register at this link
Blessings on your Unique Journey.
in Life!