LEARN more & Sign-up for our August FOCUS:
Soul NEUTRALITY: Equanimity & Spiritual Perspective
Are you sick of the wind blowing your thoughts, emotions, desires – every which way?
Develop a solid place to stand, within your soul.
Experience less disturbance & drama in your life.
Come get a Taste of a more Comfortable & Courageous, Cool & Collected way of BEing.
Dynamically Dancing a world of Change, with inner BALANCE & CLARITY
Blow Beyond the Familiar, with:
– more Leverage & Lightness
– less Struggle & Suffering
Do you want this enough, to try something NEW?
that have equipped & inspired thousands to shift their lives.
Why not YOU, too?!
We facilitate you to FOCUS & SHIFT:
ALIGN on Purpose – from the Inside-out.
To BE the Change:
-> Empower Direct Soul Engagement.
-> Overcome, Become, Come to Fruition..
William Shakespeare said in Hamlet:
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?
Can we find something in the middle?
Not SUFFER AND Not FIGHT, so much!?
YES we Can!
Enjoy a Taste of Soul NEUTRALITY: Equanimity & Spiritual Perspective
but letting body’s desires & defaults to Captain our body/ life can bear really bad fruit…)
We can Practice a different way of BEing & enjoy/ share the Fruit.
Come Learn HOW!
Shift your experience of yourself & your world.
August PLAYshops w/ Wendy R Wolf & Friends:
Every Thurz: 1 hour starting 5:30 Pacific; 8:30 Eastern
- BE Clear & Peaceful. PLAY your Own Game.
Enjoy a Taste of Soul NEUTRALITY: Equanimity & Spiritual Perspective
. - Freewill Donation – balance ‘giving and receiving’ by paying as your Soul Pleases
(Come your first time as our Guest)
Aug 5 –
ACT not ReAct: Healing & Conscious Creativity CIRCLE
Group work w/ Individual coaching
Aug 12 –
BEing CLEAR: Resonate w/ Buddha & Raise your Vibration
Group Meditation with an Ascended Master.
Is your Life, Heart, Soul – Heavy, DARK?
your Emotions, your Thoughts a DRAG?
– LEARN: directly from Buddha, Energetically, as an Ascended Master.
– SHINE: Behold & Reflect the Light, as a Diamond in the Sun.
Invest one hour
Receive tools & insights to serve you for a lifetime!
Please come your first time as our Guest.
After that, Freewill Donation requested for
August PLAYshops w/ Wendy R Wolf & Friends:
Every Thurz: 5:30 Pacific; 8:30 Eastern
Sign-up: http://GracefulSoulWorkshop.com
TASTE Soul NEUTRALITY: Equanimity & Spiritual Perspective
BE Clear & Peaceful.
PLAY your Own Game.
Learn to ACT not ReAct;
Dynamically Dancing a world of Change, with inner BALANCE & CLARITY.
See you soon!
in Life, Wendy
Register and Learn more about PLAYshops here:
This is your ZOOM registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZModu6qpzIqH9FD63GXgpWwGEbNJJb2dKrQ
More about our focus this month: Soul NEUTRALITY: Equanimity & Spiritual Perspective:
Want to read more about this Buddha workshop?
PLAY, Match, Entrain, Vibrate, Sing, Dance deep within w/ Buddha…
PRACTICE new tricks, a new way of being – in your Soul.
– CLEAR defenses: so the slings & arrows coming your way, don’t stick!
– PERCEIVE from spiritual perspective: connect with Earth & Heaven.
– EXERCISE Freedom to BE & DO YOU: let go of attachments & resistance.
Ready to:
– RELEASE? the hard & sticky: Allow Clarity of BEing, Perceiving, Choosing.
– LIBERATE? from programming, expectations, opinions, beliefs, doctrine…
– BE HERE NOW? Let-go of past & future: Overcome, Become, Blossom.
We won’t Complete all that, down to the last drop – of course- LOL;
But you will receive tools & perspective to serve you for a lifetime!
See you soon!
in Life, Wendy
[email protected]
Graceful Soul: Spiritual Deepening & Human Development Academy:
Mystic. Healer. Creative. Leader
Aug 19 –
UN-hook: Foundations of Soul Neutrality:
Validating your True Clarity & Spiritual Perspective
STOP being ‘Stimulated’: Managing ‘Triggers’, your ‘Buttons’ Pushed!
Controlled by Thoughts, Emotions, Reactions, Opinions…
your own, others’.
Yes, it takes a minute!
– to Learn to Let Go
– to Practice new ways of BEing.
Are you Ready to start
Enjoying LESS Disturbance & Drama in your soul, in your life?
Invest one hour, get a Taste of this:
Receive tools & insights to serve you for a lifetime!
UN-hook: Foundations of Soul Neutrality:
Equanimity & Spiritual Perspective
Validating your True Clarity & Spiritual Perspective
Please come your first time as our Guest.
After that, Freewill Donation requested: https://linktr.ee/GracefulSoul
for August PLAYshops w/ Wendy R Wolf & Friends:
Every Thurz: 5:30 Pacific; 8:30 Eastern
Sign-up: http://GracefulSoulWorkshop.com
See you soon!
in Life, Wendy
Aug 26 –
Byron Katie says: “BE with what IS”
Soul Connection from Neutrality w/ Mind Body, Spirit… ALL our Relations
Our resistance, inability to be: HERE, NOW, WITH what is, keeps us from
– Realizing our Connection w/ Heaven, Earth, ALL our Relations.
– Savoring Intimacy: really BEing w/ Ourselves & our Loved Ones.
– Fully, Deeply Engaging LIFE, TRUTH, LOVE: delicious, sublime.
Come Invest an hour, taste a different WAY of BEing.
Receive tools & insights to serve you for a lifetime!
Byron Katie says: “BE with what IS”
Soul Connection from Neutrality w/ Mind Body, Spirit… ALL our Relations
We will utilize our highly-effective inner-tools
to leverage the core-of Byron Katie’s distinctions:
1) Living in the blessing of Neutrality: Equanimity & Spiritual Perspective.
2) Releasing oughts & expectations that keep us From: HERE, NOW, WITH:
* past & future
* our own & others ‘story of should’
3) Choosing Reality:
* connecting with our Body, Heaven & Earth
* in PRESENT Time
* with WHAT IS
so we can powerfully Choose & Create from there.
Please come your first time as our Guest.
After that, Freewill Donation requested: https://linktr.ee/GracefulSoul
for August PLAYshops w/ Wendy R Wolf & Friends:
Every Thurz: 5:30 Pacific; 8:30 Eastern
Sign-up: http://GracefulSoulWorkshop.com
We are gonna have a great time,
and shift how we relate to our lives and our world
– wanna come?!
see you soon!
– Byron Katie is a popular and powerful spiritual teacher – inspiring millions to see and experience their lives differently.
– My spiritual journey has been greatly influenced by her challenge to “BE with what IS”
– Come share some of this magic!
To be clear, Byron Katie has her own tools that she utilizes to assist folks to shift. We will not be utilizing them.
In this workshop, we will be learning and practicing some of the soul technology that is the foundation of my ministry.
LEARN more & Sign-up for our August FOCUS:
Soul NEUTRALITY: Equanimity & Spiritual Perspective
– wisdom & freedom
– compassion and truth
praise & blame, success & failure, pleasure & pain, fame & disrepute.
Have you Tried Everything to find more Equanimity?
Try ACTIVE Meditation!.
-> Your True BEing, DOing, IMPACT… Matters.
-> Soul Technology: Learn Leverage from the inside -out
-> Inner Tools & a proven Process to support & move you.
-> Be Informed, Understand, Choose & Act from within your Soul,
Beyond your everyday Consciousness, thoughts, beliefs, feelings…Develop, in the vicissitudes of life:
– a Safe, Solid place within, a Rock on which to stand,
– more Trust-in your Soul Senses, to Perceive Spiritual & Physical reality more Clearly & Confidently, and
– new ways to Leverage you Abilities, within: to Powerfully Choose And Shift: keys within your own soul.
General Outline for ACTIVE Meditation Workshops w/ changing Foci each Month:
– 1st Thurz: Healing & Conscious Creativity
– 2nd Thurz: Raising your Vibration with Ascended Masters.
– 3rd Thurz: Validating your Soul Senses & Abilities, utilizing them to SHIFT
– 4th Thurz: Connecting with body, Spirit &/or ALL your Relations
– the odd 5th Thurz: Playing: enhancing your Human Development.
LEARN more & Sign-up for our August FOCUS:
Soul NEUTRALITY: Equanimity & Spiritual Perspective
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