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If you are willing to Dance with Maser Jesus
– in present time, in your soul –
and if you Really want to get some traction:
Come learn to utilize powerful inner tools;
and let it all be so much easier, with Master Jesus.
AND we will put our attention here:
3 Centers of Wisdom – Soul Connection:
Together, we will say hello to:
(1) Experiencing Oneness in your Heart (Affinity)
(2) Being here, now, with what IS (Reality)
(3) Your Dance with ALL your Relations (Communication)
Together, we will:
Connect in our Souls with these 3 Centers of Wisdom:
Invite the experience of Fully Realizing Love
in yourself, and from there into your body, your life, and your world.
About Meditation with Master Jesus
Allowing Love IN to our hearts, into our bodies, into our lives
– from Spirit – not just from a romantic partner.
And letting this Love fulfill us and spill into our world…
Looking to, and consciously, actively dancing with Jesus
– learning a new way to enjoy love within us & out in to the world.
This is an Active Meditation experience
– going within; then sharing and learning together, as well.
Tuesday, February 25th
Workshop 6:30-8:30pm; Doors open 6 – 9pm.
Cary – Receive address when you Register.
This workshop is Open to All
It is specifically Focused for:
– folks from a Christian Tradition and/or
– folks who Love, or are at least comfortable w/ Master Jesus
… or want to be ?
Many folks from other backgrounds – Jewish, Pagan, Agnostic, others hurt by Christianity – have found a different relatedness with Jesus in this kind of workshop – perhaps consider it)

Celebrate Valentine’s Day in a whole New Way:
BEing the Love you Want Workshop Week!
Have fun learning new ways to
Invite Love, Connection, Intimacy, Belonging…
Into your life – from the Inside-Out, with Active Meditation.
Valentine’s Week 2020: 7 days, 7 ways, to participate!
Offerings in Raleigh, Cary, Charlotte, and Online/Phone.
Choose one that resonates with you, and come play!
Invitation ~~~ Schedule ~~~ Registration
Questions? Contact Wendy
This is our last Love Workshop, and only in-person one w/ Jesus
– please come!
Welcome to the BEing the Love You Want! Workshop Weeks
This is one of 7 Workshops available for you.
PLUS: Participate in ONE, receive SEVEN (see Bonus info)

Four years ago, I remember laying in bed feeling like dirt.
I was really under it.
It’s not so pretty in the middle of it!
(I’m sure you can relate ; )
I also remember Jesus showing up to encourage me.
Jesus reminded me of what he had shared with me about Love
– in maybe ~2012? – this helped me, a lot.
I rose to chat with Jesus, employ Active Meditation and write.
Saying YES! to Life, to Love.
Life can feel too hard and hurt too much, sometimes,
And at the same time, in the same life,
how delicious Marinating in Divine Love IS.
I pray we all obtain all the tools and soul foundations we need to
say YES! to Life, to Love.
Below is a clip from the resulting blog post,
which I hope describes a flavor-of my experience,
which I pray you enjoy a taste-of, in this coming workshop.
in Life!
– Wendy
Being IN the spiritual experience of Love:
Wendy R Wolf, ‘The Way Jesus Loved – and we can too!’
I let go and find myself Free,
I can get out of the way
– Life is Not About ME.
From here, I remember:
I Realize my Freedom
to Be, to Do.
In Alignment with my Source.
This is crazy empowering, and life-changing, IMO/E,
so I will say it again:
When I am IN Love, I get out of the Way.
I Realize my Freedom to Be, to Do.
Regardless if *I* am tempted to like or hate me.
Regardless if *they* agree or judge me.
Regardless if I seem successful or not, etc, etc.
I am free to Love, to Validate, to Heal,
to be IN Light, to Dance my Unique Way in the Divine.
When I let the River of Life, Love, Light, Truth, Spirit…
flow in me, through me
– I am well, and all manner of things are well.
I easily share this cascade of Love with all I meet,
I can’t really help it.
I really appreciate when I am in this place, IN Love.

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