You can enjoy opening to:
– Deepen in Relationship Directly with Jesus.
– Allow a present-time relationship with Jesus, and
Clear your blocks to comfortable relationship with him.
– Collaborate with Jesus
and allow him to dance with you on your own unique path.
You can allow your life to shift, by:
– Energetically learning from Jesus to:
raise your vibration, allow healing, and conscious create in your life with more ease.
– Opening to present-time teaching, validation and friendship
with this delightful, generous Master!
– Learn the foundation and basics of working with a Master,
so you will be equipped to do this ON YOUR OWN.
What is exciting about this opportunity?
– We actually learn from Jesus Consciously, and more importantly, Energetically.
We energetically Work Together WITH Jesus.
– So, you don’t intellectually learn About Jesus,
because, as interesting as that may be,
it won’t change your life!!!
– This way of learning from Master Jesus has no intellectual meaning,
it is an spiritual reality which must be experienced!
Be inspired to new heights, new connections, new ways of being in the world,
by relating intimately with Master Jesus.
Excited? See Rock Your World, with Master Jesus

Why is relating with Master Jesus SO helpful?
Jesus is an ideal guide for us in our spiritual journey:
- He Mastered the Earth-game,
he embodied the balance of Spiritual life in a physical body.
All the challenges and lessons we are tripping-over,
he has mastered. - He can assist us to walk our path with more spiritual perspective, authority and power.
- He offers compassion, neutrality and amusement
in the places we are still judging and resisting ourselves, others, and the world. - He is always available as a friend,
and as a beacon to show what is possible for us in this world.
We are each walking our own unique path to mastery!
Master Jesus has come before us,
he has so much to offer us,
as a healer, teacher, role-model, playmate and more!
Excited? See Rock Your World, with Master Jesus

Change your Consciousness, Change your World with Master Jesus
Adventuring with Jesus in this class series can be::
- An extravaganza of healing and transformation for you.
- A place to learn and practice inner tools,
to more easily shift your inner and outer life. - A gathering to meet and build relationships
with other amazing and inspiring spiritual Adventurers. - A spiritual party,
each session focused on deepening in a profound and personal relationship with Jesus. - An opportunity to shift your vibration…
Albert Einstein said:
No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.
When we allow our frequency to rise,
allow our vibration to shift,
allow our consciousness to change…
the old problems easily slough-off, and new possibilities naturally arise.
Make a commitment to yourself,
to your personal development,
to your spiritual deepening,
to your contribution in this world,
to who you are called to BE
and what you are called to DO…

Excited? See Rock Your World, with Master Jesus