Words about ‘the Way without words’

I had an insight on a Sunday morning, mid-June,
and wrote this poem – not something I do.

I thought of it as a celebration of
the culmination of our 7 months of twice per week meditation together:
Dancing with the Divine – Beyond Belief!

But life has been FULL, so just sharing now:

Words about ‘the Way without words’
The deer path pursued in early evening.
The hamlet left behind; flung far into wilderness.
Stumbling upon a clearing: no humans, or their lights.
Stirred by the enormity of the endless dark.
Lying down on a large rock, communing.
Looking up:
shooting stars,
How haven’t I simply seen this Magnitude before?
The old path, following through the woodland.
The stunning, sublime, overwhelming, moving,
powerful, Pacific ocean;
playing and dancing far beyond the horizon.
After stopping a moment, savoring eternity,
ascending & descending over rock & sand;
Edging in, forward through foam, wading into water.
Eventually diving deep,
pushed by waves,
pulled by currents.
How haven’t I fully felt this Magnificence before?
The new path, bushwhacking; Meandering over foothills.
The Volcanic Mountain peaks through,
emerges, breathtaking Grandeur, Majesty.
Expletive! Excited to explore your
hidden places & mighty mysteries,
harrowing heights & verdant valleys,
wildlife flourishing & glacial streams,
wisdom profound & treasures perpetual.
Faces Changing throughout the seasons;
Flows Shifting throughout the decades.
How haven’t I consummated this Magnetism before?
Wild: Mountain/ Ocean/ Cosmos,
Who/ What/ When/ Where we are United;
Will I remain, can I Reside?
Woolgathering: Lost in the Story of such: I show me, I tell you.
Woodenness: Attached to the Path that brought me Here-Now.
Warpath: Fighting (with life, you, me, Them) about How; the Way.
– Wendy R Wolf, Sunday 16 June 24, Avery Creek, Pisgah National Forest, NC


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