Monday, December 14, 2015
The Blue House

When we allow Spirit to Fill us,
we can remain Full AND
enjoy giving-to others, helping to heal our world!
In this Women’s Meditation Circle:
– Open to the experience of inner- rest, inner-wholeness, inner-peace, inner-fullness.
– Practice energetically balancing Giving and Receiving, so you can start to bring balance into your life.
– Learn to BE Full and give from your overflow!
The Holiday Season is a time of hurry-scurry for many of us.
– Come Receive.
– Make time for yourself to Just BE for a little while.
I look forward to Playing Together, soon!
Freewill Donation: This is a $35 workshop offered to you as our gift to you, this holiday season. Donations are much appreciated, but not obligatory.
WOMEN’S HEALING CLINIC is offered once per month, on second Monday at Psychic Awakenings! Just us women, gather to be together, share our wisdom, fill our well.
This Meditation Workshop offered by: Wendy R Wolf (
Assistant Director of Psychic Awakenings for 4+ years. She’s been teaching and supporting psychic development, healing and meditation for 10+ years. Wendy was called as a Healer 20+ years ago. She has been actively dancing with the Divine for 33+ years. Her abiding passion for spiritual deepening, healing, growth… provide remarkable support for you on your unique journey.