The Blue House
Monday, January 11, 2016

Ascended Masters have learned how to BE spirit in body… they have Mastered the earth-game.
This Women’s Healing night, let’s get-together, learn from an amazing Female Master, and make 2016 amazing for us and our world!
Come meet an Ascended Master that has been lost to history:
– Jagina was a powerful Sorceress, hidden in plain site, who lived in what would become the Southwest US.
– She is a Master of Manifestation into the physical world.
– Get to Know her, and her perspective of the ‘Malleability of Matter’ and your life will never be the same!
By working directly with Jagina you can learn to:
– empower and vitalize the energetic foundations of your physical body;
– turn within to enjoy the spiritual vibration of new growth, learning, creativity, verdant lushness & healing shift;
– access your spiritual creativity with power & ease
– Jagina says: “If you knew the Malleability of Matter, your life would change.”
While learning energetically from Jagina, we will:
– clear blocks to our conscious creating into the world;
– own abilities and vibrations that leverage us in Manifesting our dreams;
– practice owning not just our personal space, but taking this ownership to the next level by consciously owning a greater space, and shifting our world.
Let’s come together as women, heal, learn and co-create our future!
See more about Jagina & Ascended Masters:
– Who are these Ascended Masters (, and how can they Accelerate my spiritual growth?
– How does working with them help me ( be inspired to new heights, new connections, new ways of being in the world?
– Learn more about Jagina (!
See more about What to Expect in Evening Workshops ( Please see here if this is your first workshop, Grounding & Centering, Releasing and Receiving tools are a prerequisite – come 6:30 to learn how we do them! (this is a $50 workshop, I am offering to you this Women’s Healing Night by freewill donation)
If you already enjoy these tools, please come by 7pm. (this is a $35 workshop, I am offering to you this Women’s Healing Night by freewill donation)