What do I mean by Spiritual Truth / ‘BEing with what IS’,
and how this blesses us?
How does this relate to?
Trust, Validation, Wholeness, Gratefulness, Forgiveness…
Here are some examples:
We live in a cornucopia of Grace:
In our Souls: we ARE and we HAVE Enough!
We can OPEN to this experince.
We can let-go of the accusing lies that we are broken, lacking, undeserving…
In our Souls: we ARE Whole and Complete!
We can OPEN to this experince.
We can let-go of the pernicious lies
that we don’t deserve the the profligate gifts of Heaven,
the ridiculously abundant gifts of the Earth.
In our Souls: we LIVE and MOVE and HAVE our Being in the Divine.
We can OPEN even More, to this experience.
We are safe IN God.
In our Souls: we can TRUST – today, tomorrow, NOW.
We can OPEN to this experience.
So we can LIVE Now!

With my Soul Senses, as a Seer, a Mystic…
I see the Frequency/ Vibration
of the energy of Truth, ‘BEing with what IS’,
Trust, Validation, Wholeness, Gratefulness, Forgiveness…
as all the same color.
They seem different! Are they the same?
From my experience – Yes, and no.
I just asked-for: how can I say this, I received this metaphor:
– borscht, or mole’, or..
There are as many versions of borscht, as there are families who make it.
Would they say, what I make is borscht? Probably: Yes, and no.
They all taste a bit different.
Anyway in the world I live-in
– first comes the energetic experience:
the energy of Truth, ‘BEing with what IS’,
Trust, Validation, Wholeness, Gratefulness, Forgiveness…
– from my vantage point – is the same kind of soup.
With small variations.
Then comes my challenge to understand this in my human consciousness!
SO, here is a bit of my current perspective,
honed since 2002, playing these games, regularly:
We are blessed to receive the Gift of ‘BEing with What IS’, in our Souls, and this overflows into our lives.
For example,
we can OPEN to this experience of Spiritual Truth, within ourselves, and find:
* Validation:
BEing with what IS:
I am well, you are well, they are well, all manner of things are well.
* Forgiveness:
BEing with what IS:
That is what happened then, and This what is so now. Namaste.
* Gratefulness:
BEing with what IS:
Thank you! Hallelujah! Amen!
I tell you this,
with the hopes that you will taste and see for yourself.
Maybe you will experience similarly or differently,
it is all good.
Regardless, may you be be deeply blessed by
the blessing of Truth and ‘BEing with What IS’.
in life! Wendy

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