Please read 7 folks sharing, written especially by my friends who are Soul friends with Jesus, to encourage participation in
Master Jesus Rocks – Our first Offering with Master Jesus – Beyond BELIEF – regardless of Background, Behavior, Baggage…
This is some feedback from folks in Group Training,
regarding Soul Dancing with Jesus
My meditations have been prayer in a different form.
By closing my eyes and placing myself into a truly un-distracted state,
I am able to have a deeper connection with God,
where I reflect and seek clarity on different aspects of my life.
– Katie McCoy, NJ Shore
Hey Wendy, I just want to say: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
I am going to be practicing all that we reviewed today. I am in so much gratitude.
You’re such an angel, Wendy. Your help is being used, and appreciated greatly!
– LH, Richmond, VA
Huge realization just now. Wish I could summarize it in a quick phrase, but.. It boils down to churches with lots of “God told me’s” … but no real teaching of (or knowledge of) how to connect with the Divine.
I am seeing how your ministry addresses connection with the Divine,
and discernment of spiritual impressions.
People get pretty beaten-up by the whole “God told me” thing . . .
because, “who am I to argue with The Man of God” . . .
I don’t have a lot of baggage with this stuff, but sure felt it up-close-and-personal.
Years ago, in a little evening church service, one of the pastors told us:
“We’ve all got thoughts rolling through our mind day in and day out … so what you want to do is pay attention to that stuff, and the loudest voice, well, people, That’s God.”
I almost screamed. Wow. That’s dangerous!
Spiritual Discernment is the point.
– GW, Seattle
I had such a great meditation this morning….
I love you so much!!!! You’re AMAZING. Thank God for you. You are a Huge blessing to the world.
– GG, Seattle
Just keep expanding your tent… sooo delighted for you and Lord knows the world needs you.
-SL Central NJ
Love, love, love!
Thank you Rev Wendy Wolf, for this important reminder!
God is an unstoppable force in my life today. His light permeates every area of my life.
Through meditation I have come to KNOW God.
Today, I can maintain conscious contact with my creator all throughout the day.
His love, care and protection flows through me and I have so much gratitude for His love and light!
Today will be my first day trying to give up refined sugar, chocolate, desserts, etc.
It is hard because sugar is in everything! But I am taking baby steps.
I couldn’t sleep last night because I was so nervous about this! Can you believe that?!
-Danielle Peterson, Greater Seattle Area
God is amazing. And, you and your talent are amazing!
-KS, Seattle
Hi Wendy,
I am VERY excited for this class and everyone in it! What a blessing! …
Thank you for the opportunity to participate in your classes!
Much love,
– DL, Seattle
It has been a delight to observe you truly come into your own
– through much hard work, dedication and commitment!!!
Your sharing is sooo you, authentic, playfully humorous and simply to the point.
Lord knows we need more of that in this world… keep sharing.
Joy and Peace,
– MS, NJ Shore
This is some feedback from folks after Personal Training,
regarding Soul Dancing with Jesus
So many blessings right now and so thankful I have you as a blessing to talk to about those blessings!
Your support of me in all my life, but especially these past few years as we’ve been working together, has been so strengthening; and I am soooo thankful to you for all you have done for me in aiding me on my journey to being the me God has created me to be!
– KM, Central PA
Thank you for your time with me, and for sending these audios and offerings to help me more.
You are such a true gift and friend.
love & blessings,
– KM, Ohio
Hi, Wendy. Just listened to the recording of our session.
The last 15 minutes were especially beneficial,
thank you for guiding me through that and helping to maintain a flexible focus.
Let’s do it again, soon – Jesus encourages it. <3
-JS, Seattle
Are you are a magical woman of wisdom in my world Wendy Dear.
I have so much respect for you that it’s coming out my ears.
Even though we both are busy, you remain valuable to my heart.
Thank you, Wendy!
I feel exactly like I do after a massage — physically tender and a little out of it,
but relaxed, which I think is the growing part you were talking about…
You gave me a lot of good feedback and I appreciate the healing work.
Something does feel shifted and I talked to God in the car on the way home — it was nice.
I also laughed out loud remembering your comment — that was quite funny.
Thank you again — I will be in touch for another healing session down the road.
-SB, Olympia WA
I can really feel how far I’ve come when I have hard time and I don’t need to talk to you or some other PERSON to feel all right again. Hope i can give back to others, like you have for so many.
-RG, Seattle
Thank you Wendy!! :)))) <3
I felt beautiful the next day from all that dark energy being lifted. 😉 !
– NK, Miami
First off, thank you sooooo much for yet another amazing, fruitful, and productive session.
I really love working with you.
I wanted to share with you something I realized when I got home about why its so hard to do spiritual things at work. I have a picture about how its not appropriate. It has a lot of my dad’s energy on it. He always had a problem with my Christianity and other people knowing about it. I will work on clearing that picture and his energy and hopefully things will be easier at work so I can grow and be more comfortable.
See you tomorrow!
– Joe Brisson, Seattle

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