Starts Wednesday, May 13, 2015
5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Each of us is a beautiful soul in this world, shining the Light.
Each of us has a unique calling in this world, that no one else but us, can do.
Let’s each step more deeply into that!
Would you like to open more spiritually, to know God more clearly?
Do you want to see Jesus, and deepen in relationship with him?
Wouldn’t it be nice to hear the voice of Spirit more clearly, saying ‘this is the way’ at each crossroad?
Jesus said: I am the Way, Truth, Life, Light – Jesus can show us how to BE that, as well.
Jesus said: I see God doing, and I do; I hear God saying, and I say – Jesus can show us how to DO that, as well.
Jesus said: We will do what he did, and even greater things – It’s our turn, let’s get to it… Jesus can show us how to make a huge contribution in Our World!
I have been dedicated to my walk with God for 33 years, it has been an amazing adventure!
I have been teaching folks to open to their own soul senses and spiritual abilities for a decade.
I have been called to share the basics of what I have learned, in this free 7 week program, on phone/computer.
This is a spiritually-focused journey, it is not about feelings, thoughts/beliefs or outward practices.
Instead we will practice inner tools and distinctions, that most find help them to:
Invite a more profound spiritual relationship with ourselves, our source, our planet, and ALL our Relations.
Keys to the Kingdom: 7 weeks of Adventuring with Master Jesus (Free Phone Class – see here for more info)
Our first call is this Wednesday, 5:13 – 6:30pm Seattle time
Our Facebook page, our hello to the group, and our shakedown for technology – utilizing the conference call… starts this Monday, 5:13 Seattle time, for about a half-hour.
If you need to miss anything, audios will be available.
Blessings on your unique journey,