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‘Learning to Shift’ Workshop:
Inviting Connection, from the Inside-Out.
Utilizing powerful inner tools, we will be putting our attention here:
- Freedom to BE yourself, BE with others, BE with what IS.
- Permission & Practices to Release the blocks & heaviness that keep you from Fully Realizing Connection, Intimacy, Belonging, Love.

Sunday, February 16, 2020
Workshop 3:30-5:30 pm; Doors open 3 – 6pm.
North Raleigh: Body Wisdom Wellness Center
205 W Millbrook Rd # 205, Raleigh, NC 27609
This workshop is Open to All; and specifically Focused for folks who are really struggling with Dark, Heavy challenges.
Bring finger-food, a snack or drink to share!

We can Release
heaviness, shoulds, outdated agreements, limits
on what we can allow into our life…
We can get un-Stuck,
let-go of judging and RESISTing, fighting
– which holds what we don’t like in place
and instead invite flow, change.
We can Trust ourselves and the pull of our Soul
to create inner and outer structures that
Align with who we ARE,
and our authentic expression, DOing what only we can do!
We can Dance with Life,
with what we like and what we don’t like, in Love, Freedom, Joy!
Celebrate Valentine’s Day in a whole New Way:
BEing the Love you Want Workshop Weeks!
Have fun learning new ways to
Invite Love, Connection, Intimacy, Belonging…
Into your life – from the Inside-Out, with Active Meditation.
Valentine’s Week 2020: 7 days, 7 ways, to participate!
Offerings in Raleigh, Cary, Charlotte, and Online/Phone.
Choose one that resonates with you, and come play!
Invitation ~~~ Schedule ~~~ Registration
Questions? Contact Wendy
This Workshop is our only daytime gathering – please come!
Welcome to the BEing the Love You Want! Workshop Weeks
This is one of 7 Workshops available for you.
PLUS: Participate in ONE, receive SEVEN (see Bonus info)

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