Tuesday, September 20, 2016
The Blue House
Many of us are not conscious about the Soul Agreements we have made:
– with our lovers, partners, friends, children, parents…
– in relationship to our work, money, wellness, safety, joy….
– regarding our permission for power, communication, sensuality, sexuality, spiritual information and abilities…
– the list goes on and on.
And, it turns out that we CAN shift our Agreements, let some go, make changes to other Agreements, begin anew – more consciously.
Come enjoy a playful, easy internal practice, that can empower you:
– to comfortably meditate – even if other meditation practices have been a challenge,
– to heal yourself and shift your inner world, and
– to help you focus & play your own game in your life, as well.
(We practice these Inner Tools while sitting in chairs, but they are designed to be used in your everyday life – matter where you are, what you are doing…)
About Practical Soul Tools:
People tell us: ‘Intend your Result’.
Programs encourage us: ‘Turn on a Dime’.
Ad Campaigns tell us to ‘Just DO it!’
And that is great, if you can do that – hooray for you!
But, I never knew how! Do you?
Fortunately, I found a great way to Consciously Apply Intention, that works well for me, and hundreds of folks I have trained…
Maybe these tools will work for you as well.
Practical Soul Tools give us levers to shift, from the inside out.
– To invite change. To help us shift.
– To let go. To let-in.
– To be supported here, now.
– To be connected to All-That-IS…
When you register, I will be in touch with the address.
See you Soon!
FYI – If you enjoy this workshop, you may have the opportunity to continue learning and practicing in this series: BE the Captain of your Life: Practical Soul Tools for Spiritual Warriors (https://www.meetup.com/Seattle-Spiritual-Community/events/233873268/)
This Meditation Workshop offered by: Wendy R Wolf (http://www.healgrowshine.com/)
– She has been offering Soul Healing as well as teaching Meditation, Energy Healing, Psychic/Soul Opening; inviting Delicious Connection with All Our Relations: Our Bodies, Other Souls, Momma Earth, and Spirit for 11+ years.
– Wendy was called as a Healer 21+ years ago.
– She has been actively dancing with the Divine for 34+ years.
– Her abiding passion for spiritual deepening, healing, growth… provide remarkable support for you on your unique journey.